The Media Arranged for Brothel Owner to \"Endorse\"
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:28 am
by roid
The Associated Press carried a story about how a Nevada brothel owner had \"endorsed\" Ron Paul, downplaying the fact that the \"endorsement\" was actually arranged by the media.
Here's someone bringing the brothel owner up when Ron Paul was interviewed on FOX.
These poor news guys just can't seem to get a break in their effort to bury Ron Paul, they're getting a wee bit stircrazy. They can't dig up any dirt to smear on Ron Paul, so they gotta try to make their own dirt.
yeah, Good Game Mainstream Media
He's for those things being handled on a state level, not federal. Does this mean he's pro-prostitution? NO. He's pro-states rights. They know this before they ask him the question, but i'm sure it's more fun to imply that Ron Paul is \"pro-rubbing peanut butter on your eyeballs\" since he doesn't think it's worth writing up FEDERAL laws for it. Zomg!
Yeah it's not like we have any actual news, lets set ★■◆● up ourselves and tell everyone \"it just happened by itself.\" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE MEDIA
Hey Roidy, I'm glad to see you're taking so much interest in the political doings of our little insignificant country half a world away.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:25 am
by Nightshade
The Paulians are a global conspiracy.
Re: The Media Arranged for Brothel Owner to \"Endorse\&
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:16 am
by Duper
most of us have been wondering that for the last two decades.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:44 am
by Testiculese
Look who owns the media, and you'll no longer wonder.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by Duper
oh i know Test. The AP pretty much dictates what we see and read.
one reason I like to read a local paper called the Portland tribune.
sad, really.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:45 pm
by TIGERassault
OHLY CAP dis prostiture-supporting guy thing is voing for this politician burn Jon Poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!six
Really though, this is Fox News. FOX NEWS! They NEVER take world events seriously!
Case in point: 4chan.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:46 pm
by TechPro
Yes, that being 'arranged' by the 'media' (actually, only part of one organization) is a bit out of line. However ...
Ron Paul (as good as he may or may not be) is not really a serious contender (though he'd like to be) in this Nation's upcoming Presidential Election. ... so why all the fuss?
Only one reason folks! His presence in the political arena is \"distracting\" voters away from a politician that someone else is concerned may not be able to get enough votes.
It's Dirty politics. There is NO country immune from it. Not even those across the ocean from us. ... and I should add that the political actions in the USA are by comparison pretty mild compared to the 'political' actions in MANY of the countries of this world.
While we're at it ... why don't we pick apart other country's politics and see if we can't tear them apart too? Fair is fair.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:00 pm
by Ford Prefect
In Canada we would have to create a Royal Commission to decide if rubbing peanut butter on your eyeballs was a federal or a provincial responsibility. We would never leave it up to just one person to make such an important decision.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:57 pm
by Lothar
TechPro, the \"one reason\" there's so much fuss about Ron Paul is that he's got such a passionate internet fan club. People put up \"who won the debate\" polls, and Ron Paul pulls 95% of the vote, with 4000 votes on a site with an average readership of 200. People talk about the debates, and all of a sudden the forum has 20 new users who all think Ron Paul was awesome. It's like when we used to go stuff polls for Descent being the best game evar, but at least we all knew it was a bunch of silly internet polls.
I have to admit, Ron Paul has his good points... but the only other time I've seen this sort of \"enthusiasm\" is with the Lyndon LaRouche cultists.
As for the \"OMG the media arranged the endorsement\" thing... I don't get the picture that Tucker Carlson did it to discredit Ron Paul. It looks to me like he did it for the same reason LaRouche cultists yell at math people. They want people talking about their candidate of choice, and that's the method they think is best. The media person who arranged for the brothel owner endorsement is a legit Ron Paul supporter, not some Karl Rove operative.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:08 pm
by woodchip
When I see the name \"Ron Paul\" why does the name Rue Paul come to mind?