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Descent 3 Mercenary

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:35 am
by Adrian
Hi all, well probably quite obvious I'm a newbie :)
It only took me about an hour to figure out how to post this (still dont know if its gonna work or where its gonna end up :? )
Was readin some of the posts (Lurking 4 awhile :) )
attempting 2 give us newbies some encouragement and step forward with the first leap of faith. 2 b honest this is the first time I find myself in a forum and that means im realy needing some help and guidance.
Actually i dont even know if I'm in the right place.
At 1 stage we were all newbies, some more than others, so i am hoping after you have all recovered from your laughter and after reflecting on the past you all my b able help me with a level I'm stuck on in Descent 3 Mercenary (single player)- (CED Geothermal Tracking Station - Mars)->(Level 3) -> (CED Tracking Station).
Question: After disabling the \"Ventilation shaft fan\" I cannot figure out how 2 disable the \"Primary Cooling Fan\"
Please, is there anyone out there that can help, I have tried for hours on end !
Yours in \"DESPERATION\"

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:14 pm
by CDN_Merlin


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:27 pm
by Adrian
Hi,not sure if im replying by the correct proceedure.
Thanku 4 your reply. As I mentioned I am totaly new to these forums of any kind. I went 2 that url but I am stuck straight away as which way 2 go next.
Totally :?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:28 pm
by Adrian
:D , OK cool , worked out how 2 reply properly :D :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:44 pm
by Adrian
Cheers CDN_Merlin.
ok, got to the explanation of the level im in, man thats just so cool.
Only prob is tho that ive been shooting the hell outa those force fields time and time again over the last few weeks, not quite sure what thats supposed to acheive as nothins happening. Am i supposed to be bouncin my shots off at an angle to hit somethin else in the room cos it certainly has no affect on the fan itself :?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:54 pm
by Adrian
just had another look at the screen shot they show and ill give it a go at the angle they r showing, however, thats what i was doing before anyway by default, bouncin them off the forcefield into the generator but nothin.
Anyway, will give it another go as i love these challenges all the way with D3.
I am assuming the generator is that item on the floor directly in front of the fan !?
so glad i finally found these forums, its like a whole new world in here with all this help available.
Cheers to everyone from downunder \"OZ\" :D


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:28 am
by Adrian
CDN_Merlin wrote:

Walk thrus are here.
Thanx for this tip. Finally got it even though you actually still are shootin blind. Unlike other situations where you can send off a guided missile to check out and locate things/enemy etc this was the first of its kind that I've come across. Thats the first time I've ever had to use a guide to find the answer and as a rule I prefer not to have to resort to these measures as I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of working it out myself :wink: but in this case it was becoming ridiculous :roll: .
Cheers again :D