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What is this?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:34 am
by Randor244
Just checked this forum, and I think I've got an idea of what the game is. However, I have a couple of questions I havn't been able to find the answers for:

Is the game complete or under developing?

Is there a demo somewhere?

Does the game borrow any ideas at all from descent (exept for the 6DoF), I mean, robots and such?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 1:58 pm
by d3jake
1. My understanding is that there is work being done, however slow as it may be.
2. see anwser 1
3. It couldn't, epically since its supposed to be commercially produced, not without a large lawsuit.

Maybe here would have you believe that it a project by a fool that will never come to bear. I'm just hoping that we get something new in the realm of 6DoF, then again, if it doesn't happen, we still have D3.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:14 pm
by psionik
The game was started by High Octane and fell apart due to the engine being sold out from under them and a few other things. I came on to the team to try to help make the title a reality but the entire time I was on it I was not allowed to talk to the programmers or really communicate with any of the other \"team\" members. The whole situation was pretty unprofessional and I now regret taking the mantle of responsibility for someone else's project. I had already started my own about 3 years ago that I put aside to help with Core Decision.

I have resumed my own independant project at this point that has nothing to do with Core Decision, and I plan to write the entire thing myself after going to school to learn how to program. Working on Core Decision taught me one thing above all. If you want something done you have to do it yourself, which is exactly what I intend to do. Anyone who commented on CD in the past and me especially had no right to do so because noone knew the real story behind that project except us. As far as Geocore, I am the only one behind it at this point. There is no hype or expectation here because I have been very up front about what I have and what my plans are. Please to avoid confusion do not associate me or my project with High Octane or Core Decision any longer. I did my best to help that and I was fought against every step of the way by the programmers and the engine, and eventually the community started attacking me directly even though I was actually the only person doing anything on the project.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:18 pm
by Jesus Freak
Good deal, Psionik. I'm sure you've considered all ideas, but you might be able to find some smart students who could help you with some of the tasks for free to put it on their resume.

Do you plan to market and sell the game for a profit? Either way, best of luck! If I were still into programming, I'd want to get in on coding the game, but I've gotten into the business side of things :)


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:01 pm
by Deathwinger
psionik wrote:The game was started by High Octane and fell apart due to the engine being sold out from under them and a few other things. I came on to the team to try to help make the title a reality but the entire time I was on it I was not allowed to talk to the programmers or really communicate with any of the other "team" members. The whole situation was pretty unprofessional and I now regret taking the mantle of responsibility for someone else's project. I had already started my own about 3 years ago that I put aside to help with Core Decision.

I have resumed my own independant project at this point that has nothing to do with Core Decision, and I plan to write the entire thing myself after going to school to learn how to program. Working on Core Decision taught me one thing above all. If you want something done you have to do it yourself, which is exactly what I intend to do. Anyone who commented on CD in the past and me especially had no right to do so because noone knew the real story behind that project except us. As far as Geocore, I am the only one behind it at this point. There is no hype or expectation here because I have been very up front about what I have and what my plans are. Please to avoid confusion do not associate me or my project with High Octane or Core Decision any longer. I did my best to help that and I was fought against every step of the way by the programmers and the engine, and eventually the community started attacking me directly even though I was actually the only person doing anything on the project.
So basically the project is dead.

This reminds me of what happens to mods. You can get someone to get something done. You just have to give them motivation and incentive....aka....a salary.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:46 pm
by xezzy
\"I have resumed my own independant project at this point that has nothing to do with Core Decision, and I plan to write the entire thing myself after going to school to learn how to program\"

So you were working on Core Decision without knowing how to code? Maybe whole team is just a bunch of kids that only thing that connects them with IT or programming is old-school gaming? Sorry if im out of line here, but their site is down so i havent seen any video/screens/concept art yet (if any of those is avaible).

Now about Core decision dev team here, dont take any offence!

I've seen some hype around the net (wikipedia etc.) about Core Decision, but if u r still learning how to code u cant know what will be in 5 years and definetly shouldnt promise the whole community to make descent-like game. If u take it serious - fine, but dont talk about it when u have made only 5% or smth.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:17 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Actually, they had some pretty decent-looking screen shots, and even a fly-through render video. From what I understood Psionik's primary forte was graphics--he made the ship model that could be seen in the video.

It was promising, but the lack of official communication had us all wondering.

The Descent niche is still wide open, 10 years after D3, for anyone who can take advantage of it.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:28 pm
by shaktazuki
The niche needs a re-visioning along the J-shooter lines. If you can take something like this or this and make it into a 3dof game, you would clean up.

I'd buy it.

I don't think it's been done yet. The closest they've come is rail shooters and Serious Sam.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:39 pm
by Kyouryuu
You don't need a salary to make modders work. You need a compelling project and leadership that will get the job done. The vast majority of mods for other games are completely non-profit affairs.

What makes a compelling project? Going well beyond a few silly weapon renders, for one. Anyone can model a gun. Anyone can vomit out a stereotypical sci-fi story (always beginning with some generic line like \"You are Crush Underfoot, a space marine\"). If you want to show you're serious, you throw together a map. You complete a proof of concept. A gameplay slice. Anything less isn't worth the audience's time, nor any self-respecting modder.

And as far as J-shooters go, that's just silly. \"Bullet hell\" games are a tiny niche market as it is. They rely on the simple 2D perspective and processor slowdown to be playable in the first place. Adding another dimension to that is of questionable gain.

Not to mention that, in doing so, you're making a game that is exponentially more complicated. While I don't know if bullet hell games are profitable or not, they certainly benefit from having very narrow scopes that allow them to be developed cheaply. Ikaruga was the result of a handful of people.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:08 pm
by shaktazuki

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:08 pm
by shaktazuki
Meh. As long as 3dof remains a dungeon crawler, as it has through all iterations, it will be of questionable benefit to produce one, since there already exists a vibrant FPS genre which does dungeon crawling quite well.

Innovate, or die. What Ikaruga did was incorporate the puzzle elements of Puzzle Bobble into the shooter genre. 3dof needs a similar infusion of fresh blood.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:22 am
by Sirius
It's not really a matter of innovation - more of making something that catches the eye and is fun to play. Making something completely new is one way of doing that of course but it's not the only way.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:39 pm
by Duper
Deathwringer, if you look around, there are a couple of threads post by psionik concerning this. Email him and ask. *shrug*

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:03 pm
by Thenior
So... anyone heard anything?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:17 pm
by Testiculese
Not since Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:14 pm

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:30 pm
by Sirius
Write it off as dead. I don't see this project coming back.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:33 pm
by Sedwick
psionik wrote:Working on Core Decision taught me one thing above all. If you want something done you have to do it yourself...
The yang to that yin: you can do anything you put your mind to, but you can't do it alone. Don't let one bad team experience deter you from future endeavors. A from-scratch effort could be a great chance to build the team dynamic you were originally after. I've heard good things about extreme programming.