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$1 billion for food stamps

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:37 am
by Cuda68
Well its about time we invest something to help our own poor out. Food stamps where $37 bucks a week. We will have to wait and see what it goes up to.

The new farm bill, which Congress passed over President Bush's veto, contains an extra $1 billion for food stamps. ... yid=511704

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:58 am
by Kiran
Meh. I'm pretty torn about where I'm at when it comes to food stamps. I worked in grocery stores, so I've seen the good that these food stamps have done to the less fortunate, but I have also seen how some people would take a big advantage of the food stamps. However, that's just the way the world works until somebody figures out to eliminate certain types of needless foods from food stamps besides restraunt ready-to-eat foods.

On another note, yay congress for the food stamps!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:29 am
by Will Robinson
Should there really be any form of permanent government replacement of someones self sufficiency?

Every place that there is a concentration of people depending on government to feed and shelter them you will find the most uneducated, criminal, irresponsible and hopeless people anywhere. When those people breed they teach their children to expect failure and the cycle doesn't just repeat it spirals downward!

And what is governments response to the new class of pitiful citizens it creates? 'Here, have some government cheese and a slum house! And don't forget to vote for us this fall!'

There definitely should be a time limit to any form of assistance! Didn't Rudy Giuliani prove this works best when he was Mayor of NYC? He cut welfare dependency by a large margin if I remember correctly.

By the way, what is in the Farm Bill besides farm related legislation? When will America wake up and demand our legislators stop using earmarks and riders on bills to hide their dirty little secrets and solicit funds for their own re-election!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:33 am
by Cuda68
That's true, they are easy to abuse. But times are very hard on allot of folks right now and our citizens do need help. I really don't believe bailing out the housing issue is the answer but all those people are having there wages garnished, and finding rental housing with your credit score all tore up is very hard.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:14 pm
by Kyouryuu
I remember sitting across from a booth in a restaurant where two women, presumably a mother and a daughter, were talking about how they were stiffing the government on food stamps. It was so easy, they said. Their advocate was so naive, they said. They talked about blowing some other subsidized government funding at the mall on frivolous things.

Made me sick.