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Self Government?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:23 am
by Sergeant Thorne
I just had a thought (it was difficult, but I managed to pull it off), and I wanted to share it.

I was thinking about taxes in particular--though that's not the topic I want to address--and I found myself thinking about \"paying taxes to the government,\" when I found the need to correct myself. In America it ought to be \"paying taxes to our government.\" It's an important distinction, and it's the difference between a government \"of the people, by the people, and for the people,\" and any other government throughout history. Whether it's true or not depends entirely on the representatives we elect, in any office. Even aside from their stances on topics that are very important (I would highlight the importance of this without at all diminishing from the importance of topics such as, say, abortion, in the case of some offices), do they really represent us, or are they looking out for some other interest(s)? Do they have our interest at heart? I wouldn't presume to provide you with any one litmus test for finding that out, but I just wanted to share a revelation I had on what our government ought to be. Sure we can always elect another representative when this term is over, but for the duration of the term I think it's entirely possible that we could loose our government \"of the people, by the people, and for the people.\"

If we don't elect representatives that represent, we have failed to be a government \"of the people by the people and for the people,\" and we've been suckered. That doesn't mean we'll be hurt any less by destructive concepts/ideas from a true public servant (a good term), for their intent, but it is the way this country was meant to work.

There's a big difference between having all American's interests at heart, and trying to be a representative of all positions and beliefs, or even only the popular ones. There is a necessary difference between a public servant and a puppet.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:44 am
by TIGERassault
In other words, you're just here to say \"watch out for corrupt governments\"? Or am I missing something?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:57 am
by Spooky

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:06 am
by Krom
Nobody represents here because there is no longer any money to be had in it. Being internationally politically correct has put any foreign interests before all domestic ones. We must satisfy the rest of the world before we can tend to our own issues or we are selfish and evil. But at the same time we are insulted for meddling in the affairs of others when our own are in a horrible state of disarray.

The spirit that built this nation is dead. A country that stood up and fought a war of independence against all odds, today is a spineless bunch of bureaucratic sheep terrified of the rest of the world.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:12 am
by Spooky


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:29 am
by Lothar
Krom wrote:Being internationally politically correct has put any foreign interests before all domestic ones.
The Sandmonkey wrote:Americans really want the world to like them, which is a silly desire shared by no other nation on earth. You don't see the Russians worrying about the world liking them, or the Chinese. Ok, you want a democracy? How about the French? Do you see the French worrying about whether or not the world likes them? Do you know of any other nation in the world who actually has this stupid girl-with-low-self-esteem-in- junior-high fixation?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:46 am
by Testiculese
Well, the average mentality of this country is stupid-girl-with-low-self-esteem-in-junior-high, who's surprised about the mess we're in?


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:25 pm
by Duper
Lothar wrote:
Krom wrote:Being internationally politically correct has put any foreign interests before all domestic ones.
The Sandmonkey wrote:Americans really want the world to like them, which is a silly desire shared by no other nation on earth. You don't see the Russians worrying about the world liking them, or the Chinese. Ok, you want a democracy? How about the French? Do you see the French worrying about whether or not the world likes them? Do you know of any other nation in the world who actually has this stupid girl-with-low-self-esteem-in- junior-high fixation?
lol.. were those guys being sarcastic or do they really not understand what the Cold War was/is about? (excluding Krom's quote .. left that in for context.)


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:16 pm
by TIGERassault
Krom wrote:Nobody represents here because there is no longer any money to be had in it. Being internationally politically correct has put any foreign interests before all domestic ones. We must satisfy the rest of the world before we can tend to our own issues or we are selfish and evil. But at the same time we are insulted for meddling in the affairs of others when our own are in a horrible state of disarray.
Every line of that is bullcrap. Political correctness barely affects foreign policy or interests, the rest of the world don't want the US trying to satisfy anywhere (hence the whole commotion over the War On Terrorism), and it's rare to find anyone that thinks properly helping poorer countries at your own countries expense is a hideous crime let alone that the population of the country is certainly nowhere near in a disarray.
Lothar wrote:
The Sandmonkey wrote:Americans really want the world to like them, which is a silly desire shared by no other nation on earth. You don't see the Russians worrying about the world liking them, or the Chinese. Ok, you want a democracy? How about the French? Do you see the French worrying about whether or not the world likes them? Do you know of any other nation in the world who actually has this stupid girl-with-low-self-esteem-in- junior-high fixation?
Jamaica, I guess. But because tourism is such a good source of income for that country, and it's not the general public that decides those things, it's not really the same case.
And like Duper pointed out, Russia; or at least it used to be anyway.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:42 pm
by Will Robinson
Our government has transformed into a government for the campaign donor.
The politicians can't afford to represent the voters best interest if that path might upset their party and their donors ( the two usually tightly linked ) so they give us lip service and try to find key issues to polarize the electorate into R's and D's so we'll stay on the plantation.

Take away the lobbyists, the lobbyists influx of campaign funds and the corporate tax loopholes/welfare and you will return the power to the voter. Once the voter has the power again the representation will return to the voters best interest. Until then it really doesn't matter what anyone says or pretends to care about! Period, end of story.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:46 pm
by Spidey
This has always been my biggest gripe with the current state of politics…people are elected to represent their constituents, and not the population in general. And even worse they only represent their own partys beliefs while in office.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:43 pm
by MD-1118
Hate to repeat myself, but...
MD-1118 wrote:On a different tack, the original concept of America would've worked as a nation of one person. Too bad we humans are social creatures.
So I guess in order for the whole President thing to work, everyone would have to be president simultaneously! As Christopher Robin would say, "Tut tut, it looks like rain."