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If I may

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:44 pm
by weed/hopper
Hiyas, I am judas and I am here with Tony aka Weedhopper and we were browsing through the when we came across the 9/11 topic that by the time we responded was locked. I have no account here but felt a need to comment as a former NYC Firefighter.
Capm wrote:the dbb just doesn't come to mind when I think of 9/11.. sorry.
Gooberman wrote:have to agree with Capm.
DarkHorse wrote:Yeah... no. I use this board to check on the Descent community.
followed up by
Capm wrote:Bubba, you can go f**k yourself. Its not that I don't care, its that I don't associate the dbb with remembrance or mourning over it. I never said I didn't care, jackass.
then we have Merlin
Merlin wrote:What about the countless of thousands if not millions that are killed every day because of drunk drivers, senseless murders? Do we stop and think about them daily? No. 9/11 was a tragedy but it's been 7 years and we've moved on. Everyone still thinks about it but why harp over it? And the way you worded your response, makes you an arse.
Merlin wrote:Bubba, why don't you mourn the death of my family members? You're an arse!!! My God, you should be praying for me.
Get over yourself bubba. More people have died from far worse tragedies. Just because we don't publicize it on the DBB doens't mean we aren't remembering. If you feel so strongly about it, then stop [posting here and go to Ground Zero and hold a vigil.
First off, this is what I wrote yesterday on the being a retired New York City Firefighter as of 2003 after 25 years and amassing 10 citations for bravery above and beyond normal service during my tenure.
Beowulf wrote:The national mindset turned to Fear and paranoia...and you couldn't go through airport security without getting naked and randomly screened because you have an arabic name.
We received the 5 alarm call (all companies in the borough) and got there just as the second tower collapsed. We really couldn't see (well) for the first 30mins., everything was instantaneously pulverized and this weighted dust afflicted the area. The chaos was great yet a controlled response proceeded stoicly, emotions aside it had to be. Too many lives depended on that. All services involved along with the citizens on hand helped in this grievous, horrendous act of violence. Amongst such unbelievable strife came unity and the beginning of recovery became a unilateral, cooperative effort. I work there 30 days straight till they relieved us from Command, siting over-exposure as the result (heh). Little did we know.

The rest is the history we all know now and lived through as a country and yes, we have better be leery, fearful, paranoid, and mindful of America's greatest castastrophe of deliberate evil intent since Pearl Harbor. I don't have any answers but along the way should anyone's feathers get ruffled once and a while, no matter how just or unjust it is I apologize. In an effort to educate ourselves with better security methods that might happen, till we develop a sure fire method in the proper scrutinization techniques.

Nice job John aka Bubba_wH0 ~ (<---in reference to the banner Bubba made for yesterday's anniversary of 9/11 for the

Secondly, for anyone to state that the dbb's boards, either one, is not a place one might think of mentioning 9/11 is ridiculous. On both boards we have lamented those who have died amongst D3 players many times over, not to mention crisises of many kinds, political commentaries of every nature, and everything between the lines of Descent, ourselves, and the world all with a point of view.

As for Merlin perhaps inadvertantly trivializing 9/11 I was shaken up a bit. YES I do mourn the lost of life due to drunken drivers, the death of people whether murdered, killed in tragedies, or members of family whether mine or yours. All one has to do is turn on the News to share a pang of sorrow with anonymous people. However this is not a normal observation, anniversary. This is a modern-day act of treachery of monumental proportion. This is not something you brush off with comparison to anything else save Pearl Harbor because it's akin to that. To even say "we moved on" is incorrect!" in my not so humble opinion.
I respect all of your aspects on 9/11 but I defer to disagree with them. The carnage was real and the deaths AND injuries of so many many lives instantaneously denotes this happening beyond normal tragedy. This was an act of War. And as such should and is remembered by those effected, whether there or not, as a Country, as Citizens, as Americans .... it is not just another common story of loved ones plights, demises, or other known commonalities of tragedy. The pain you feel in your heart when listening to those stories whether through the News or from friends is as great and common with everyone associated with 9/11 except in one aspect. 9/11 was an attack on our land that cost the lives and injuries of thousands instantly. It is of monumental proportion and thusly affected us greatly, above and beyond for so many unilaterally. We mourn each year and while doing so many include those others from other times, whether dead or alive. Sometimes mourning knows no boundaries and we think of all.

Whether Bubba_wH0 was intentionally poking @ the I do not know nor care to speculate. I am just responding to what I read AND have respect for everyones right to feel or say what they believe. I don't have to agree and may utilize, as in this case, a moment to disagree.

The anniversary of 9/11, observed in a national sense helps those many afflicted very much like a funeral serves a solemn purpose. A time where the many are aided by the many with reverence, compassion, and maybe more importantly as a hugely affected people who share oh so much dispair from that date. They only want to feel with others so they might find strengh from each other to carry on, something we've done as a Nation from Day One.

Respectively yours, George Brady Engine 67, Washington Heights (yes, where Washington fought off the British), Manhattan, New York.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:54 pm
by AlphaDoG
Well said!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:55 pm
by Capm
Its not that it was brought up, its HOW it was brought up, that we have the problem with. The DBB is just not the first place I think of, when I think of mourning 9/11. Does that mean I won't talk about it here if someone makes a topic? No. Bubba insulted the entire board because nobody had posted on the topic yet, and that was the wrong thing to do.

For example, if he had just put the topic title, \"9-11\" and started the topic off, then the thread would have been completely different. But instead, he chose to be an ass, and people responded to that in a manner you would expect if you just got slapped in the face.

I feel for everyone that was lost on that day, but I don't need to be insulted because I didn't talk about it here first.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:58 pm
by Gooberman
weed/hopper wrote:Secondly, for anyone to state that the dbb's boards, either one, is not a place one might think of mentioning 9/11 is ridiculous.
No one said that its not the place, or that it was ridiculous, (or at least I didn't), we said a video game BB is not what comes to our mind when we think of 911. As Lothar said on .com, if you would of sent him the image he would of gladly put it on this site.

Hats off to you for your service, and hats off to Bubba for making that image. It was well done. At my schools campus there was a 911 tribute in the court yard. Thats how I paid my respect. The fact that I don't then run to a video game bb and broadcast that does not make me any less patriotic, or caring about 911 then you.

People commemorate 911 in different ways, thats what I interpreted Capm as saying, and thats all that I was saying.

Again, hats off to Bubba for his image, it was beautiful and I saw it in the morning while I was skimming .com. That is his way. It's not my way and I shouldn't be insulted for it.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:03 pm
by Bet51987
In defense of Bubbalou...

I don't believe one person here has stopped remembering or caring. Battles are still being fought over it and three thousand families are still crying over it. At 13 I didn't feel the impact until years later but I never forgot seeing videos of people jumping to their deaths or bringing to the surface the greater meaning to words like terrorist, Islam or Jihad.

I take no offense whatsoever in Bubba's display of compassion and hopefully his friends will feel the same way.


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:58 pm
by CDN_Merlin
Well said. I have not and will not forget 9/11. I was sick to my stomach when I was hearing it on the radio.

What I didn't like is Bubba posting the original thread and then making new threads in 4 other forums and linking to his first thread and then wishing us harm because we didn't bow down to him and worship the 9/11 day.

He needed to just post the topic and let others post.

EDIT: And he just started another post about it and saying it's a shame, which in turn is calling everyone here something that is uncalled for.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:37 pm
by fliptw
you all realize this is a forum located on the internet, not the real world, right?

Re: If I may

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:41 pm
by Lothar
admin note: The other thread was locked because it wasn't respectful. The title of the thread was an accusation, rather than a tribute. We will not forget, and we haven't forgotten. It's totally appropriate to discuss 9/11, to pay tribute to those who died, and so on. But let's not make the discussion into a fight; let's not talk down on other people because their way of remembering is different from yours, or because they didn't post a tribute here when they'd already commented on the one on the other board.

If you want to say more about the other thread, take it to feedback.


judas, thanks for sharing your story.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:40 pm
by Spidey
I would love to comment on 911 every year, but it always becomes a political debate, that I really don’t want to associate with that event anymore. I’m sick and tired of hearing it used as an excuse to lambaste a certain party.

I built a personal memorial to 911, it sits in prominence in my living room, all year long…It reads “NEVER FORGET”.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:24 pm
by Top Wop
weed/hopper, well said, and thank you very much for what you have done. I believe that its important to every once in a while take a time out to remember and maybe pray for those involved and lost in such tragedies.

I would have posted this in the locked thread earlier:

My respect and prayers goes out to all the victims involved from the tragedy of that day. I also have alot of respect for the law enforcement and firefighters. You guys have guts, and my sincere thanks for what you do.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:59 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Thanks, Judas. Well written.

It's important to be reminded. Frankly I regret not giving it more thought, particularly on the anniversary. I think about it fairly often, in the context of related issues effecting us today, but the event itself can become too distant, I think, if we're not careful. For me, I find that it already has.