Got it for christmas, beat it over the new years break.
Someone told me it had a pretty crazy ending. It sure did. Anyone else play it?
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:01 am
by AceCombat
bah MW2, crap
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:42 pm
by Xamindar
I got it for Christmas too. I never played a Call of Duty game before. I like the split screen and being able to play the special ops with friends, but MAN IS IT HARD! Have it on ps3, it's probably a lot easier with a mouse and kb on PC.
I am also having trouble with the fact that taking cover only involves crouching. Can't peek your head around a corner to see what's there, you just got to put your whole body out there and get shot at to see. Got too used to climbing/hanging/peeking with Uncharted 2.
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:21 pm
by Thenior
yeah I imagine a mouse and keyboard would be easier too... I played it on xbox. Personally, the concave shape of the PS thumb pads are a little awkward for precision to me.
I got through all the spec ops with my bro, except Delta. Have to go back and get more stars...
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:47 pm
by Duper
lol I think Nicholi is a double agent.
I have a lot of bones to pick with Activision and such, but that all aside, the single was a bit too heavy on the shock value and not as cohesive at the MW1. There were some holes in the story that needed to be filled as to \"why\" and \"how\" some things happened. The last fight was good, but surviving a 6\" serrated piece of steel in your chest is a bit of a stretch....
Leaning or peeking was removed in this version with the reason \"the game isn't balanced for that\". Well, truth be told, this game isn't balanced at all. Many of the weapons have serious flaws or have features that don't exist in real life. (incidentally, there is one shot gun prototype that does have a silencer )
Graphically, it's stunning. The texture streaming (which they seem to think they invented or nearly o_0) worked out well. And if you like a fever pitch sprint through hell, then this is definitely the game for you.
But if you like something a bit more tactical, then you will need to try something else.
Multiplayer is borked. on ALL platforms and riddled with hackers. Infinity Ward is down playing it and says they'll get to it if they can. Also, balance wasn't even considered it appears, although IW will tell you otherwise.
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:29 pm
by AceCombat
and those are pretty much the reasons i will never play until they add anticheat and dedicated servers
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:32 pm
by Duper
Oh, did I mention that I you get achievements for TK'ing? THAT will improve game play.
To be honest, MW2 isn't alone in this. I've seen several new releases that have these. It would be nice to see a game that isn't some 13 y/o's wet dream.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:09 am
by Thenior
it may have a few flaws, but a 13 y/o's wet dream doesn't get best FPS, best Multiplayer, and best Game of the Year award.
Yeah, there were a few times where I was like, huh, why did that happen? Like I never understood why Price or whoever just decided to let the rocket off the sub. But I haven't had that much fun playing multiplayer in a long time...
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:34 am
Duper wrote: The last fight was good, but surviving a 6" serrated piece of steel in your chest is a bit of a stretch....
Someone in real life got shot 9 times with a pistol at close range and survived. I think THAT is a bit of a stretch.
I think it is easier on the console, not the computer. You should see the snipes I take within a second of first seeing the guy that I can never do on any game for the computer.
I play multiplayer all the time! I've got a bit of a story for ya. Some enemy 75 yards away that I couldn't see put me in last stand. I aimed my M9 in the shots general direction, pulled the trigger once, and blew up his claymore. Never saw a thing. And just the other day I got the "How the?" challenge where you shoot an explosive device through the wall to kill some bad guy. I had just put down the claymore and someone came running in with his damn knife, killed me, and blew to pieces and I got the challenge........I never fired a single shot. xD
I have not encountered hackers too often in my play. Only twice where everyone had unlimited ammo.
Unbalanced? Sure there are the damn Model 1887 Akimbos with UNGODLY range, but an update fixed it so I see 90% less people running around with it. I think every other weapon is pretty balanced after that.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:02 pm
by Duper
I saw 3 blatant hackers last night. One guy was flying around the level. One guy was shooting two shot guns at the same time while throwing nades. One guy had this hack where the grenade launcher would spawn an explosive barrel where the shell would land! 0_o ... that was pretty creative..
Not to mention the amount of folks that get outside the map. (that's technically a glitch in most cases)
Un balanced. The air strikes (raping attacks for kill streaks), nuking after 25 kills; which isn't terribly difficult after 3 consecutive kill streaks compounded by each other. A perk that lets you swap classes in play unlimited times and when you switch back through each class you have full ammo. So in effect you have infinite ammo. Or you can blanket a map with claymores. They might have fixed that.
Perhaps not on weapon is \"unbalanced\", but the game play on the whole is. You get ridiculous perks and in ridiculous quantity. They went nuts. It's like when we went from D1 to D2. \"Now we have 20 weapons to choose from!!!! Isn't THAT grand!??!\" That is what i meant by the 13 y/o crack. Looking at the weapons, the perks and the kill streak rewards; it seems that they listened to nearly every fanboy out there. And their forums were full of them. It got extraordinarily stupid. It was a superb demonstration of humanity reduced to the lowest common denominator. And THAT is not an exaggeration.
While the game may be enjoyable, it doesn't mean that it was developed well.
Also, the game is on it's 8th patch?
Game of the year? that depends on who's review you read. Everyone and their uncle does a \"Game of the year\".
But any rate. over all, it's not a BAD game, it just suffers from the same Hype that Halo had,if not more so. There are some very broken elements in the game. also, the stripping of dedicated server support for PC in the name of getting rid of hacking and pirating. .. guess which game was the number one pirated game of 09'?
But that's my 2 cents. Apparently 4 million players couldn't be wrong .... right?
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:23 pm
by woodchip
Duper, if numbers mean a well made game then WoW must be the best there evah was.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:59 pm
by Thenior
I mean, if that many people are willing to pay cash for it, there MUST be something about it that makes it better, regardless of personal opinion.
MW2 made $550M in the first 5 days. WoW has 11M people paying $10/month at least...
And to be honest, I played tons and tons of WoW for a few years. The whole process of leveling got boring to me, but it is still a very fun game.
Marketing stats don't neccesarily prove a game is bad, but they can pretty much always prove a game is good.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:02 pm
by Glowhyena
Sadly, it's not great on PC. I might get it if I have a PS3. :C
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:08 pm
by Duper
I got tired of the whole WoW thing pretty quickly too. WAY too repetitive and pernicious. I got more than tired of being ganked every night by players at levels much Much higher than mine. That's just mean and meant to ruin other players fun.
It's just a pay per month chat room, and I think that's the big draw is the interaction.
The whole bazillions in 5 days (:lol:) was due to pre-orders. (mostly) I was really looking forward to it until stuff started to leak out. 1) No Modding. 2)No player hosted dedicated servers.(And then being told we didn't have the where-with-all as a consumer to understand how servers work) 3) playing only through BattleNet/IW. 4) DIRECT PORT from XBox 360. (went through that BS with Halo And that's who IW jumped into bed with this time around)
The info about dedicated servers (or lack there of) was an accidental leak. They were not going to tell the PC community about until release. Most of those sales were console anyway. I read in a report somewhere that the estimated sales for PC was something like 500K but i can't confirm that.
I know you like the game and that's cool. I was on the same track myself. I have some scruples against being dumped on and nearly lied to. ... lol that's a weird phrase. Then again it's only a game. But also, on the other hand, if as a consumer I want to send a message, I know how. Don't buy their product and tell others WHY. It's worked for Centuries.
Marketing stats are only that: Marketing stats. It's what they Don't say that you have to be wary of.
Incidentally, M.A.G. Looks pretty impressive. (A PS3 Exclusive game)
It's aweful! At least the beta is so far. Never before in a game have I encountered so many invisible walls. I played it a little then went back to MW2.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:25 pm
by Duper
well ok then!
Ok, not to derail the thread, but I went on the MAG forums and it seems the number of problems are too numerous to list here without speading a lot of time typing and boring everyone else.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:40 am
by Thenior
Well I must confess, I am probably not the best hardcore gamer. Last video game I bought before MW2 was Trine, and the one before that was Diablo II (many years ago).
So I probably just go with the flow of what is \"cool\", and what gives a good rating.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:21 am
by SirSamII
I want me one of those bullet proof air rafts.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:45 am
PC Boycott of Modern Warfare 2 was a Fade
Console noobz buy anything that moves
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:57 pm
by Xamindar
BUBBALOU wrote:PC Boycott of Modern Warfare 2 was a Fade
I'm not sure what the term Fade means. But that reminds me... I wish this fixation on fps games would end, specially WW2 games. I am sick of them. Give me something new and interesting! Not another guy to run around with a gun.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:54 pm
SirSamII wrote:I want me one of those bullet proof air rafts.
You know it! ALL air rafts, even in the movies, are bullet proof!
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:04 pm
by AceCombat
he is talking about the RIB ( Rapid Insertion Boat )
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:39 pm
by Xamindar
AceCombat wrote:he is talking about the RIB ( Rapid Insertion Boat )
No, I think they are all talking about a "Rigid Inflatable Boat" if that is really what's in the game. Looks like this. Rubber boat with a aluminum base and a motor. Pretty sure they would still sink if shot at and punctured (at least all the enemies who follow you do when you shoot them). Kinda nice to have the only boat in the game that isn't sinkable.
Has anyone beat this game on Veteran? Don't think I will be able to.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:45 pm
by S13driftAZ
Xamindar wrote:Has anyone beat this game on Veteran? Don't think I will be able to.
This doesn't exactly count, but I went to a friends house and we beat almost all of the challenge(?) missions on veteran.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:01 pm
I'm getting through it on Veteran more easily than I did in CoD4. I already got all of the achievements for CoD4, so this one shouldn't be a problem.
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:50 am
by Thenior
I just started it on Veteran. After your truck blows up on the first level, I kept dying. Eventually I figured out how to get to cover, but everytime I ran into the building and up the stairs, I got masequered.
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:32 pm
by Theftbot
If you buy the disk does it require steam to activate.
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:31 pm
by Duper
Theftbot wrote:If you buy the disk does it require steam to activate.
I'm sick of hearing about it.
Only reasion I think it wone game of the year is becase of that so conterversal level (no russian)
I have played better fps hell I think unreal 1 tops it.
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:19 pm
by Xamindar
Warlock wrote:I'm sick of hearing about it.
Only reasion I think it wone game of the year is becase of that so conterversal level (no russian)
I have played better fps hell I think unreal 1 tops it.
I completely agree. Though, that game of the year thing is stupid. EVERYBODY has to award their game of the year so it's pointless. Uncharted 2 won it for ps3 and desirved it so it wasn't MW2 on that platform.
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:49 pm
by Duper
it's also the most hacked and most pirated of the year.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:56 pm
by Sllik
I can't agree, sadly. I have very few complaints about MW2 and it just so happens that I am still playing it from time to time to scratch my FPS itch. I even still go back and play CoD4 as well from time to time, but find myself playing MW2 more often than CoD4 because of the weapon choices and extra challenge.
I've run into very few hackers, and the most obvious imbalance (the 1887s, which I confess I was enjoying immensely) has been fixed.
My biggest gripe from day 1 that still exists is the lack of dedicated servers for the PC version. The current Xbox-style match-up system is seriously crippling to the multiplayer longevity and the ability to handle serious clan competitions, which was one of the bigger long-term draws to FPS gamers on PC. Even with that aspect aside, being completely at the mercy of their matchmaking system for determining who is host instead of being able to dictate which server to connect to in order to optimizing our gameplay experience is beyond unsatisfactory. The stability of their lobby servers has also been substandard. It's pretty obvious to me that, while I am currently still playing, I won't be playing it for years like I did with CoD4. And that makes me sad, because otherwise, it's very well-designed and entertaining.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:16 pm
by Duper
the 360 got its very own hack. It allows you to reset another player's stats and xp to 0.
True story. Not sure if they've patch for it yet.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:56 pm
I heard a while ago that it was only 1 guy and if you got 1 kill, you are screwed.
In other news, a new glitch has been discovered. Care package/ E air drop glitch. It allows you to spawn an infinant ammount of care packages and E air drops. People who get reported will be banned immediately. I like the file complaint and player review options.
lol. I do play alone often (but kick ass more with a friend, especially when we are yelling out Full Metal Jacket quotes) and I usually get top score UNLESS THE DAMN GAME THAT THEY STICK ME INTO IS .000000000000000000000000000000000000001 KILLS/SECONDS AWAY FROM ENDING!