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Burning Indika 3 is better than your favorite level

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:41 am
by Darktalyn1

Burning Indika 3 achieves perfection in both layout and weapon balance.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:47 am
by Foil
Sure, for tunnel-ratters or 1v1/2v2 specialists.

Me, I prefer a level with more space for dogfights and more players. Something like Damage or BillTheCat.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:52 am
by Foil
Or, what about Gladius? Similar weapons, not so many one-shot-kill secondaries, and it's GREAT for 1v1s.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:21 am
by CDN_Merlin
Small rat levels I don't like. I always preferred medium sized levels.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:45 pm
by TigerRaptor
I never found Burning Indika 3 to be balanced at all. Just a place to get an easy kill with little effort.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:08 pm
by Duper
Keg Party.

nuff sed.

Re: Burning Indika 3 is better than your favorite level

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:25 pm
Darktalyn1 wrote:Fact.

Burning Indika 3 achieves perfection in both layout and weapon balance.

I have come to this realization by playing good players in there the last couple of months.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:56 pm
BI3? Like one of my taunts says, \"Too many TANKS!\"

Re: Burning Indika 3 is better than your favorite level

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:30 pm
by Grendel
Darktalyn1 wrote:Fact.

Burning Indika 3 achieves perfection in both layout and weapon balance.
That's hillarious !! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:31 pm
by Terminal
To be honest, it's hard for me to resist joining a BI3 session on an american server with a bunch of players in it. If it had a bit more aesthetic appeal, it would definitely be my favorite level. It's much fun, but I seem to have to mod the wall textures every once in a while.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:48 am
by Darktalyn1
never found Burning Indika 3 to be balanced at all. Just a place to get an easy kill with little effort.
Please explain why all the game's best players love to congregate on BI3, then. I'd love to see how many easy kills you rack up in a game with me, Ryu, Behemoth, LEON, and Tebo :)
Keg Party.

nuff sed.
Keg's a good one for sure. It's a suitable alternative if you want to get some MD action in with your fights.

I have come to this realization by playing good players in there the last couple of months.
One of the steps to becoming great is acknowledging the Pure Win that is Burning Indika 3. Good man.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:43 am
I agree that the texturing of Bi3 is not the greatest, I mean......even Stevie Wonder could have done better :P Though it's not important for a multiplayer level.

With less missiles skybox could have some of the same qualitys, but I doubt it. When Im in there with an good player, we thend allways to end up in the big room, we even wait for each other in the big room. It's too boring flying around looking for trouble.

Ascent have some good qualitys as well. Except for being overloaded with missiles, and MD on top of that, you have a pretty good layout. But....Ascent is slightly too big, and you end up by flying around and looking for your opponent.

The true meaning of listening for AB usage and power up pickups, comes to its full potential in Bi3. And of you use your own AB, and what you do after picking up power ups.
Even what your opponent does on your death screen, can help you predict where hes gonna be. I don't have the nummber of how many easy kills I have made by paying attention to my death screen. What you do on your opponents death screen you must consider as well.
In Bi3 it's not boring to fly around and figure where your opponent is, like it is in other levels.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:39 am
by Krom
To whom it may concern: It is of my opinion that your favorite level sucks. 8)

<insert your favorite level here> sucks, you suck and black sharks suck too, thus if you brought all three together you would have the perfect vacuum of descent 3 skills. ;) :P

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:30 am
by CDN_Merlin
The perfect level is whichever one you like most.


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:13 pm
by TigerRaptor
Darktalyn1 wrote:Please explain why all the game's best players love to congregate on BI3, then. I'd love to see how many easy kills you rack up in a game with me, Ryu, Behemoth, LEON, and Tebo :)
If I still cared enough about D3. I wouldn't hesitate to jump in.

But that isn't my point here. Its my own personally opinion on that level. I to played the hell out it just for sake of playing the game. I just never found it to be all that challenging.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:52 pm
Quality and personal opinions are two different things.
I might like hot dogs, but that doesnt mean hot dog is quality food. I doubt anyone would consider hot dogs a quality food.
I might like pavarotti, but that doesnt mean Pavarotti is a good tenor. He's known to the mainstream, yes, but he's considered medium among scholars. Enrico Caruso on the other hand, is considered one of the best operatic singer in history. But......we might not like him when we hear him, which again does not mean he is not good.

In daily life and talk, when asked what is quality, we tend to base our answer on what we prefer or what entertain us, which as nothing to do with quality. Quality is somthing that is bigger than us, somthing that we must learn and understand before we can see it.

I mean, most kids like Star Wars The Phantom Menace. But as you grov up and understand more you will see it as one of the worst movie ever made :P

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:11 pm
by Foil
What I do like about BI3:
  • Good primary weapon balance
  • Variety of areas
  • Plays quickly for 1v1/2v2 anarchy
  • Complex, good for 1v1/2v2 tactics
What I don't like about BI3:
  • Too many super-secondaries (e.g. the napalm rocket and mortar)
  • Too tight for dogfights
  • Encounters either end quickly, or devolve into tunnel-ratting
  • Ugly as hell
  • Too small for more than 4-5 players at most (more than that becomes a chuck-fest)
  • Essentially flat (come on, it's Descent!)
LEON wrote:Quality and personal opinions are two different things.
True. But BI3 is not a higher-quality level than, say, Keg Party / BillTheCat / Ascent / etc.


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:59 pm
Foil wrote:
LEON wrote:Quality and personal opinions are two different things.
True. But now you're telling me that BI3 is a higher-quality level than, say, Keg Party? Or BillTheCat? Or Ascent?
Stupid me, involve myself into an disscusion in a for me foreign language. Well....I can explain in norwegian if you like :P
Ok, I'll try anyway.
For a level to be perfect, I will strongly suggest that the visuals must be good as well. Which Bi3 do not have. But this tread was about layout and weapon balance.
I have thought much about the weapon balance in Bi3. The thing is, for 1 on 1, balance is good. For more than 3 guys you will allways have the situation when some guy just push in a mortar into your dog fight. As for Bi3 I don't think you die too much from a just random napalm, frag or mortar. If you remove those missiles from the level, 1 on 1 would be less interesting. So I think the overall balance is good.
Ascent I think has way too much missiles. I find myself die so many times....not by the guy that i, but from some random napalm or what ever shootin' in from the side, ruin the fight that I was in. Ascent is even worse than skybox :P

The strong side of Bi3 is the layout. I havent find another level where you can take the advatage of the layout as you can in Bi3. Not Keg, not BTC or Ascent or skybox for that matter. I dunno way.
So my point is, in Keg or BTC you only fight and think when you have visual contact with your opponent. If not, you just fly arond looking for him. While in Bi3 your on the edge all the time cus you can hear him, and by that try to predict where hes gonna be and use your knowledge of the level layout to cut him off.

My conclusion is Bi3 is a better level than the rest because it encourage more cultivation than just controlling your ship, which again makes you a better player.

Hope my explaination was not too clumsy :D

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:41 pm
by Foil
You do very well with English, Leon. :D

I agree with you about the secondaries in Ascent; you're right about that.

What about more complex levels like Gladius? It's a much better layout (and not nearly so flat as BI3), without too many secondaries. Or BillTheCat?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:57 pm
by AlphaDoG
BI3 = Fusion/Vauss whoring in tanks.


Re: Burning Indika 3 is better than your favorite level

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:58 pm
by Ferno
Darktalyn1 wrote:Fact.

Burning Indika 3 achieves perfection in both layout and weapon balance.
You win the descentbb, kind sir. Bravo!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:54 pm
by Lothar
The thing BI3 has going for it for 1v1 or 2v2 games is that it's fairly small and compact.

Levels like BTC or Damage are great with 8-ish players, but in 1v1 or 2v2 they tend to suffer. In Indika, you can pretty much count on an encounter in short order if you're looking for one.

Those of you who really like Indika for 1v1, take a look at Zora. Tight layout, limited weapons, really forces you to do the things you're saying happen in Indika (watching your death screen, etc.) to a much greater degree. I think it's best pyro-only, but YMMV.


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:07 pm
Foil wrote:Or BillTheCat?

MMmmmmm! That's my favorite.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:15 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
I always wished Indika4 (or was it 5?) had caught on. I love the way they rounded the walls so that it looks more like a cave.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:36 pm
by Behemoth
You guy's should like the level i've been working on then. :)


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:17 pm
by Duper
Darktalyn1 wrote:
Keg Party.

nuff sed.
Keg's a good one for sure. It's a suitable alternative if you want to get some MD action in with your fights.
well. I have a special interest in Keg. :mrgreen: (Zora too, for that matter. ;))

The original Keg had gauss cannons, so I figured MS's with no ammo would be a good sub. Remember that as an admin, you can customize weapons allowed. that's why it's always good to over populate weapon selection than under pop it. It's far FAR easier to take away weapons than to add. That's one thing I never understood that didn't catch on. Load all weapons into the levels and then debate (as we SOOOoo love doing that here) about "best" weapon load out for which level. Each level is unique to weapon loadout.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:04 pm
by Sickone
I just wish I could find a game or two with players
at a good ping OTHER THAN SUBWAY DANCER.... my god what mess that level is.

I mean I can have some fun in there, as I can on any level. I just don't get why 90% of the time (granted I've been playing again less than a week) that is the only level players are in. Well other than amateur areana which is just bad, and of course has like a 200 - 250 ping to me.

I know, b#@ch, b#@ch, b#@ch....

I just like a little variey.


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:47 pm
by Lothar
Sickone wrote:I just don't get why 90% of the time (granted I've been playing again less than a week) that is the only level players are in. Well other than amateur areana which is just bad, and of course has like a 200 - 250 ping to me.
The players in AA are actually bots, most of the time.

If you come on between about 7:30 and 9 pm pacific, you can find players in Veins most nights.

Wednesday nights, we take down Veins and replace it with a level of the week (under the title "Wednesday Night Fight Club"), so if you're craving variety, that's the night to play.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:05 pm
by Sickone
Hey ya

veins was never my thing, but I may give it a try.

Unfortunetly (for me) Wednesdays are not open...
Well maybe later in the evening. I'll check it out.


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:20 pm
by Ryujin
Hey Sickone,

Long time! Just wanted to say that servers like DRH and Valhalla rock some non-Subway games and they get busy every other evening or so. For example, we've had some good games in Vander's Revenge, Indika 3, and Callosity in the past week or two. There's a Bill the Cat up too.

I'm totally with you on disliking the Subway. It's just too damn buggy.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:43 pm
by Grendel
1v1 ? HellFire, AoD, Elysium, Cube, Forge, etc. Much better than Bi3.


Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:01 am
Grendel wrote:1v1 ? HellFire, AoD, Elysium, Cube, Forge, etc. Much better than Bi3.
Can you please explain why they are better :)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:03 am
by Zero!
because they are pretty

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:00 am
by CDN_Merlin
I find Minerva is better than BI3.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:18 am
by Sickone
Hey ya Ryujin,

yeah I have caught a few minutes in a couple of those. In fact you have eaten me alive a couple times in the last week. I have been flying as \"Mamas Boy\" due to my utter embarassment regarding my long lost skill. I mean I have fun no matter what. It is likely time to just fly Sickone and take the abuse :)

I will keep checking in and trying to catch games, relearn how to fly, etc. I was only fair to begin with, and time has been cruel :)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:27 am
I'm trying to figure out why D3 noobie~snacks are trying to justify a half baked ported level as perfection. Limit yourself by playing only a few levels.. good job you may become Xeon eventually

Go play the level in it's original game.... :x

Oh and Merlin... Minevra/and it's 50 other clones killed the D1/D2 community just like BI3 and it's brethren SD and VV are putting the last nail in the D3 Coffin :idea:

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:43 am
by Duper
Personally, I liked Core.


Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:46 am
by Foil
LEON wrote:
Grendel wrote:1v1 ? HellFire, AoD, Elysium, Cube, Forge, etc. Much better than Bi3.
Can you please explain why they are better :)
I'll throw in my opinion:

Cube is a much more Descent-style layout, not flat like BI3. BI3's layout feels like a ground-pounder, there's nothing 'vertical' to it.


Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:00 am
Duper wrote:Personally, I liked Core.
that's because core is original not just another copy ported into another game because people refuse to learn something new

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:05 am
by CDN_Merlin
Bubba, I agree about the levels killing the game but simple minds like simple levels. I much prefer better built levels with more gameplay and tactics that a simple fly in and shoot everything/die repeat and rinse.