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getting Devil to work in DosBox under Debian Linux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:14 am
by mspc
I'm trying to get Devil to work in DosBox on my Debian Linux system, but I need assistance. I run the file DEVIL22L.exe, and it extracts the program files to /dosgames/DEVIL22L/. In DosBox, I try to navigate to that directory and

Code: Select all

C:\>cd dosgames/DEVIL22L
Unable to change to: dosgames/DEVIL22L if it doesn't exist. Any ideas?

Re: getting Devil to work in DosBox under Debian Linux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:05 am
by Krom
Try using the backslash ( \ ) instead of the forward slash ( / ) for the directory in dosbox, even running on linux it is still emulating MS DOS.

Re: getting Devil to work in DosBox under Debian Linux

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:20 am
by mspc
Okay, that wasn't the solution but I got it to work. I think I was omitting a directory.

Another problem. I ran devil /config and set Descent 1 as my game and left the default VESA driver set, right Descent directory and everything. Then I try to run devil and nothing happens, command prompt freezes. I try to run devil /config again and the same happens.