Oh great, more filter-evading spam
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 4:58 pm
Presented for your disaproval, the following spam message that was delivered to my inbox folder:
Why the hell do marketers keep trying to bombard us with this sh!t? If I wanted to refinance a home, or buy the newest wonder drug, or increase the size of minivader, I'd contact them, not vice versa. Stuff like this just pisses me off. Hopefully the anti-spam orginizations jump on the use of these characters quick and find a way to get the filters to treat ë like a regular e.
Please note all the special characters used. Of course we can all see that these characters are just basic BS thrown in for the benifit of the spam filters, same as there ar ways to get past the swear filter here.Nòt tóò lòng ago wé sênt ÿóú än émáîl còncërnìng thè specìál cìrcûmstäncès sûrróúndîng ÿòur hòmë.
Wè havè sincé rëëvâlüátêd yóür hòmës qúâlîfÃcâtîòn lévèl, änd wóûld lìkê yòù to cóntäct ùs ìmmediátêly cóncernîng thë ädjùstmënts.
îf ÿòù à rë able tó vêrÃfy the Ãnformatiòn pròvÃdéd for ÿóûr cónvënìèncé hère in thë lÃnk bélòw by Móndáy, Maý 17th, wê wÃll bë âblé to gèt ýoû in for prîòritÿ prócessìng
Why the hell do marketers keep trying to bombard us with this sh!t? If I wanted to refinance a home, or buy the newest wonder drug, or increase the size of minivader, I'd contact them, not vice versa. Stuff like this just pisses me off. Hopefully the anti-spam orginizations jump on the use of these characters quick and find a way to get the filters to treat ë like a regular e.