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Free Planetside 2, Hawken, and World of Tanks credits

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:42 pm
by Thenior
Hey peeps,

Bought a new video card, comes with $25 credit to each of the games listed in the title:

Code: Select all

World of Tanks	 2050 Gold & 1 Month Premium 
                                 Invite: 1500 Gold

Planetside® 2	2500 Station Cash
Hawken	                3600 Meteor Credit
Send me a PM if you want it.

Re: Free Planetside 2, Hawken, and World of Tanks credits

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:15 pm
by SirWinner
That's a cool thing.


Tried PlanetSide 2 (PS2)... absolutely hated it... you get dropped into the battle without a chance to learn the weapons first... then what looks like kills miss your target by a long shot due to extremely laggy conditions... you think you are in a SAFE zone only to get killed almost instantly from someone that you didn't even see in your base... and just when you think you got the "kill" it turns out to only be an assist. Played it for well over an hour without one frazzling kill and tons of deaths for a grand total of 17 experience. Game deleted very quickly after that.

PS2 is graphically pretty but the game play was horrible for me.



Re: Free Planetside 2, Hawken, and World of Tanks credits

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:29 pm
by SirWinner

Looked at the other 2 games... underwhelmed. Not my game style on either one.

Meanwhile back to RetroVirus, etc.
