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Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:38 am
by callmeslick
Non-politicized, CUDA!
I just want to wish all here a Merry Christmas. 'Slick is about to disappear into the kitchen for the next 5 hours preparing the Christmas Eve family dinner.
Then, it's on to 24 hours of toy assembly, fitful rest and the onslaught of the grandchildren. At least, I plan to prepare so much food that we won't have to do much past heating up leftovers for a couple days. My plan this morning is to:
Cook 1 lb of shrimp for cocktail shrimp(chilled)
Cook 1 lb of shrimp as spiced shrimp(served warmed up)
Prepare and cook a corn pudding and green bean cassarole
Prepare and cook 11 lbs of standing rib roasts
Bake 10 potatoes
Sautee mushrooms
Bake dinner rolls
Reheat the giant three-cheese manicotti the wife made.
Eat and Collapse for a few hours, before I have to assemble a bunch of toys and stuff.
Enjoy the Holiday, remember the Peace on Earth, Good Will to all Men part, and treasure your families!! Merry Christmas.
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:13 am
by CDN_Merlin
Merry Christmas
Be safe
Enjoy the food
Enjoy the family
Enjoy your friends
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:49 am
by Tunnelcat
Merry Christmas to all!
And I say that with a heavy heart. I received a Christmas card from a dear and close friend a week ago. It seems her husband died on Nov. 22 after a long illness I didn't know about. I felt like a schmuck because I had sent them both a Christmas card the day before I got hers. I was very good friends with these people for years when I was a kid, which continued through my adulthood, even after they moved away to the East Coast. I was devastated to hear of his passing, so I had to write a long condolence letter after I'd gotten her card. Kind of hard typing and crying at the same time too. Unfortunately, it has put a slight damper on my holiday festivities this year. But I realize, everyone eventually dies and that we all have to accept the inevitable. It's just that it's so HARD to accept when it happens.
I'm glad that I have so many new friends here, even though we snipe and gripe at each other at times. I know that it's mostly in fun and jest and it's great entertainment. So since we already pigged out on Thanksgiving, it's going to be a simple dinner for my hubby and I this year, who is having his own health issues unfortunately. Because of that, we're staying home alone this year. To cheer us up, we're going to have homemade Christmas PIZZAS! He gets green peppers, tomatoes and pepperonis. I get mushrooms, olives and tomatoes, all over mozzarella cheese and a garlic olive oil sauce. Cheers!
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:15 pm
callmeslick wrote:Non-politicized, CUDA!
I'm having a great Christmas, I'll have 3 grand-babies celebrating their first Christmas. INCLUDING my newest one and first Grand-daughter who was born Sunday morning. Madilyn Kathleen 7lbs 2 oz 20.5 "
we rented a hall again. last count was 41, we'll see if everyone can make it. large families are a blast. we're doing a pasta bar instead of a traditional. figured there was no reason to do a traditional when everyone would be breaking off to go to their other families and have a traditional meal there.
May all of you have the greatest of Christmas's
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:16 pm
by Nightshade
tunnelcat wrote:Merry Christmas to all!
And I say that with a heavy heart. I received a Christmas card from a dear and close friend a week ago. It seems her husband died on Nov. 22 after a long illness I didn't know about. I felt like a schmuck because I had sent them both a Christmas card the day before I got hers. I was very good friends with these people for years when I was a kid, which continued through my adulthood, even after they moved away to the East Coast. I was devastated to hear of his passing, so I had to write a long condolence letter after I'd gotten her card. Kind of hard typing and crying at the same time too. Unfortunately, it has put a slight damper on my holiday festivities this year. But I realize, everyone eventually dies and that we all have to accept the inevitable. It's just that it's so HARD to accept when it happens.
I'm glad that I have so many new friends here, even though we snipe and gripe at each other at times. I know that it's mostly in fun and jest and it's great entertainment. So since we already pigged out on Thanksgiving, it's going to be a simple dinner for my hubby and I this year, who is having his own health issues unfortunately. Because of that, we're staying home alone this year. To cheer us up, we're going to have homemade Christmas PIZZAS! He gets green peppers, tomatoes and pepperonis. I get mushrooms, olives and tomatoes, all over mozzarella cheese and a garlic olive oil sauce. Cheers!
I'm very sorry to hear that TC. Have a safe and warm Christmas.
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:50 am
by Will Robinson
Merry Christmas
And happy anything else it means to you if Christmas isn't your thing!
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:56 am
by sigma
Merry Christmas everyone!

Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:46 am
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:callmeslick wrote:Non-politicized, CUDA!
I'm having a great Christmas, I'll have 3 grand-babies celebrating their first Christmas. INCLUDING my newest one and first Grand-daughter who was born Sunday morning. Madilyn Kathleen 7lbs 2 oz 20.5 "
congrats, yet again(your family is breeding akin to rabbits, and I seem to be posting this with you so often, I ought to cut and paste.
we rented a hall again. last count was 41, we'll see if everyone can make it. large families are a blast. we're doing a pasta bar instead of a traditional. figured there was no reason to do a traditional when everyone would be breaking off to go to their other families and have a traditional meal there.
we had manicotti(3 cheese), stuffed, with a lot of leftover beef and shrimp on Christmas day. Bless my wife for cooking after the grandchild/toy onslaught of the previous 5 hours.
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:01 pm
by Spidey
Hah! I see even the snowfall must get in line in Mother Russia.
Happy Happy...
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:31 pm
by sigma
Spidey, Spidey... You can not spoil people holiday. Grinch must die.
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:55 pm
by Spidey
If you let a comment like that spoil your holiday…well...that’s your fault.
Happy Happy