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Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:01 am
by woodchip
Seems there is a push to chop up CA into six parts as it is just too cumbersome to manage in it's present condition. Who here agrees or disagrees.

"His argument for redrawing the California map: The state is underrepresented in Washington. He's looking to get an initiative on the California ballot." ... z2p3qR3YKi

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:12 am
by Will Robinson
I'd love to watch the discussion among the liberal left if the plan was to include 'returning' the lower two sections to Mexico.

Lol! Oh how I would enjoy their reaction to that!!

Other than that fantasy I'm all for dividing all states up into small segments for assigning political power, electoral college votes, etc.

No real need to tamper with physical borders just to try and shake out a better distribution of power. If there is disparity per capita then redistribute per capita. The states physical border isn't responsible for the way the people inside it are represented....

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:32 am
by callmeslick
so, the present system is losing you elections, and change is in order......pathetic.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:27 am
why not politicians on both sides do it all the time in redrawing districts. but I guess that didn't fit your chance to ignore reality did it. are you going to call your democratic cohorts pathetic because they do it when they win elections. Nah I cant imagine you would.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:47 am
besides this has been a subject for over 150 years. it comes and it goes

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:00 am
by Will Robinson
callmeslick wrote:so, the present system is losing you elections, and change is in order......pathetic.
Who do you attribute that motive to?
I'm not getting that from the article and it certainly isn't my motive for anything I suggested.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:13 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:so, the present system is losing you elections, and change is in order......pathetic.
Whats truely pathetic is your inability to use your higher functions when responding. I guess anything that smacks of the possibilty of the Dems losing some of their power makes you into a drooling idiot. Since you can't reason well let me start by asking you aquestion and we'll go from there:

slick, just why do you think the United States has 50 states and is not just one big state?

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:45 pm
by Spidey
Because the liberals haven’t gotten their way quite yet.

When they are done with all of the federal laws…we will be in a de-facto single state.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:59 pm
by vision
California will never be divided. It will secede before it splits. It also doesn't need more influence in Washington, the US knows how critical CA is to the economy. California also suffers from some of the same mentality Texas has: everyone is ridiculously in love with it. I have friends in all the major cities there and no one has ever mentioned splitting nor would any of them agree to it because the idea is stupid on its face. Remember, California has more than it's share of conservatives so this move benefits no party. Even the position of governor regularly flips between Democrat and Republican, most recently Arnold The Governator and let's not forget (drum roll....) REGAN. Anyone who makes this about "liberals" is a certified idiot. This is about money and technology.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:43 pm
by Tunnelcat
vision wrote:California will never be divided. ..... This is about money and technology.
Yeah, I noticed that an "investor" is behind this one. :roll: In Colorado, it's the rural gun lovers who want to secede and create a new state just for themselves. ... 32609.html

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:51 am
by callmeslick
CUDA wrote:why not politicians on both sides do it all the time in redrawing districts.
in fact, true.....especially one of the two parties, which has been VERY creative in recent years, desperately trying to stem the tide.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:17 am
Ya you keep being delusional

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:33 am
by Will Robinson
callmeslick wrote:
CUDA wrote:why not politicians on both sides do it all the time in redrawing districts.
in fact, true.....especially one of the two parties, which has been VERY creative in recent years, desperately trying to stem the tide.
If one party stands out recently it is only because that party holds more Governorships which is the pathway to gerrymandering. For you to imply that one Party is more at fault for the systems failure is to perpetuate the problem.

All politicians will seek any advantage that is available....either party would draw the lines to suit them at every opportunity and they always have.

If you want to solve the problem change the rules. Try that and you will see BOTH parties oppose you.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:26 am
by woodchip
I see slick hasn't answered the questions of why states were formed. Don't know the answer and need someone to 'splain it to you? The answer will give you a very good reason why CA should be divided.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:33 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:I see slick hasn't answered the questions of why states were formed. Don't know the answer and need someone to 'splain it to you? The answer will give you a very good reason why CA should be divided.
well, the original states were formed by Colonial proxy. and as such, you had tiny states(Delaware, Rhode Island) alongside states which at the time were massive(New York, PA, VA).Since then, there have been a whole host of politics and such behind territories becoming states(Montana and the Dakotas are fascinating, for instance). If you have some reason you'd like to formulate, let 'er rip. The ONLY reason these loons want to 'divide' the state of California is to break up a solid Democratic electoral vote count. Too fecking bad. Democrats likely feel the same way about Texas, but, beyond requesting that it be ceded back to Mexico, don't come up with this sort of transparent political stupidity.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:53 am
Do you intentionally plan to stay ignorant?? This debate has been raging since 1941.


look up the state of Jefferson. Northern California and southern Oregon to make a 51st state.

Only a political hack would ignore that fact and try to make this about redistricting for political gain.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:01 pm
by vision
CUDA wrote:Do you intentionally plan to stay ignorant?? This debate has been raging since 1941.
:lol: The RAGING debate hardly anyone knows about! I lived in California for several years. Never heard it mentioned once, in the news or in casual conversation.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:08 pm
I lived in so cal for 4. In portland for 32. I've know about this for about 20.

it pops up every few years.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:14 pm
vision wrote:
CUDA wrote:Do you intentionally plan to stay ignorant?? This debate has been raging since 1941.
:lol: The RAGING debate hardly anyone knows about! I lived in California for several years. Never heard it mentioned once, in the news or in casual conversation.
it is in norcal and s Oregon :mrgreen:

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:34 pm
by Tunnelcat
It's the "rural" vs "city" fight again. Maybe we should have a 2 state country. The cities could band together to be one state, and the rural areas could band together to be a second state, although I'm guessing there would be fights and tariff battles over who got to cross each others borders for commerce. The city state would be a bunch of islands in the big sea of the rural state. :wink: ... ca/265686/



Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:45 pm
by vision
CUDA wrote:
vision wrote: :lol: The RAGING debate hardly anyone knows about!
it is in norcal and s Oregon :mrgreen:
Coincidentally, I was just having lunch with some co-workers here in San Diego and one of them was telling horror stories of his recent holiday in New York. Another co-worker said something like "man, I wish California would just secede already." I immediately thought of this thread, but didn't mention splitting CA because I would have gotten the "you're an idiot" stare from the whole table... (Because the idea is idiotic.)

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:25 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:I see slick hasn't answered the questions of why states were formed. Don't know the answer and need someone to 'splain it to you? The answer will give you a very good reason why CA should be divided.
well, the original states were formed by Colonial proxy. and as such, you had tiny states(Delaware, Rhode Island) alongside states which at the time were massive(New York, PA, VA).Since then, there have been a whole host of politics and such behind territories becoming states(Montana and the Dakotas are fascinating, for instance). If you have some reason you'd like to formulate, let 'er rip. The ONLY reason these loons want to 'divide' the state of California is to break up a solid Democratic electoral vote count. Too fecking bad. Democrats likely feel the same way about Texas, but, beyond requesting that it be ceded back to Mexico, don't come up with this sort of transparent political stupidity.

TC came close with her reply. States were made up due to regional differences. Hence Mich. came about for entirely different reasons than New Jersey did. Resources, population and natural boundaries. Back at the start we were primarily a agrarian society, now we are not. Today, within some states, we are seeing vast differences in philosophy. City dwellers have entirely different wants and needs ( crime prevention, street lights working and sanitation to name a few) from what the rural areas do. We can see the splitting of needs as demonstrated by the rural folk want to secede because the politics of the city ursurp the rural folks wants.

As such the CA cry for breaking up the state is more for proper representation and not for breaking up a solid democratic voting block to keep the Dems from winning the white house. I'm sure slick, in your liberally tinted glasses everything points to keeping Dems in power where-as I look at how to fairly represent people and the areas they live in.

Re: Calif a 6 Part Harmony

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:24 pm
by vision
woodchip wrote:As such the CA cry for breaking up the state is more for proper representation and not for breaking up a solid democratic voting block to keep the Dems from winning the white house.
Except there is no cry to break up CA. Everyone there is quite happy with the state and would be even happier if it were not attached to the rest of them, though they would be happy to take Oregon and Nevada off your hands. And Colorado, somehow.