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Help, D3 crashes after the first level...any ideas?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 2:15 pm
by johnycat9
I have a Mac Dual G4 running classic OS 9.2. At the first level, after exiting the maintenance gate, the ship flies off and then the game crashes...I have installed the patch three times...does anyone know what's going on...???

any suggestions, greatly appreciated. :?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:47 pm
by Mobius
OKay - I sent you here for a solution, but so far nothing. One thought did occur though: before that pre-scripted sequence, type in the cheat code to access whatever level you like. It's not MORECLANG, it's not BYEBYEMONKEY. It's... Umm.... It's..... Feck. I forget. Someone help me out here...

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:48 pm
by Mobius

The otjers appear below.

burgergod Invincibility
moreclang Level skip
ivegotit All weapons, energy, and shields
treesquid Reveal map
tuberacer Damaged
byebyemonkey Chase view
shananigans Weird textures
framelength Show framerate
deadofnight Destroy all bots
testicus Enable cloak
teletubbies Teletubby sun!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 6:20 pm
by Wolf on Air
And as usual you only need to type the last 8 characters of any given cheat (well at least I think it's a lot easier typing "yemonkey" than "byebyemonkey", eh Moob? ;))

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:21 pm
by Mobius
I did not know that! Cool tip WOA. Cheers.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 5:02 am
by DigiJo
have posted a link to this on our NuB-BB, we have a few mac-player. probably they can help.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:03 pm
by Fusion
Greets Jonnycat. I am one of the 2 Mac [NuB]s that DJ mentioned. What hardware you got(chip,vidcard and ram only needed)?
I have:
the single G4 chip. It was a 400 mhz, now a 1.4ghz
OS 9.2.2 when I fly,
10.3.3 when I am not
1.12 gig of ram
ATI Radeon 8500,Mac edition, 64 DDR ram
D3 patch ver 1.4.1
Here are my suggestions:
Have you thought of doing a quicksave (F9 I believe is the correct key for us) b4 exiting the lev? Also start fresh when you boot up, If u have been running apps b4 u fly, even if ur only doing SP,your ram has already been used by those alt apps, which may leave very little for D3. Go to ur Get Info window of ur D3 app(I assume Open GL is which one u use, It's only an Apple-i away)and max out as much as you can. I know that the manual says to have virtual memory on, But I found that it was totaly useless, So I skipped that part of the install. Try flying SP w/it turned off, and see it you fly better or worse with it off. Start off with this, and see if it helps any. The DBB will let me know when some1 has made a reply to your post, and we will see what I and the other mac ppl of the D3 comunity can do for u.
PS. contact the Mac Clan. They are a team of D3 Pilots that fly totally on Macs. ithink is their addy. I will check and post any corrections to that addy
UR fellow Mac pilot,

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:26 pm
by Fusion
Here is the correct addy:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:02 pm
by Nagromme
Here's a thread at

But I don't have a fix off the top of my head. It sounds vaguely like QuickTime cutscent problems that I haven't heard about in ages, but I don't really know. Hopefully another [MAC] member will. (Our forums were down for a while so it may take a while for the members to trickle back in and see your topic.)

Also--for the IS the correct address to bookmark. The other one works now but is subject to change. But the reverse is true for my old the new address for that IS ...confused? I am!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:16 pm
by Fusion
Johnnycat, what's the word, bud? Hows the debugging going?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:59 am
by Fusion