Political Correctness Defined

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Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

My brother sent me this and was so spot on I thought I'd share it:

"There's an annual contest at the Bond University in Queensland, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

This year's chosen term was "Political Correctness".

The winning student wrote:

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of ★■◆● by the clean end".
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Will Robinson »

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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

Spreading another half-assed, miscredited quote again, huh woody?

Caught with your pants down again. Not surprising. How many times are you going to get caught spreading ★■◆● on this board until you figure out you can't get away with it? It's not hard to punch in 'bond university queensland "political correctness" ' into Google, and find out if it's true or not.

All you do nowadays is spread lies. It's bull★■◆●, and it's just stupid.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Top Gun »

Even if it was a real quote, it doesn't remotely apply to whatever people label as "political correctness" in the first place.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

Ferno wrote:Spreading another half-assed, miscredited quote again, huh woody?

Caught with your pants down again. Not surprising. How many times are you going to get caught spreading ★■◆● on this board until you figure out you can't get away with it? It's not hard to punch in 'bond university queensland "political correctness" ' into Google, and find out if it's true or not.

All you do nowadays is spread lies. It's bull★■◆●, and it's just stupid.
Whats stupid is you posting crap in a fun thread. You must be a real miserable S.O.B. in real life. And nice to see my threads are the sole focus point in you life. And just for your self enlightenment, the quote is attributable to many sources, Bond University being one of them. Perhaps you should learn how to Google.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Will Robinson »

Top Gun wrote:Even if it was a real quote, it doesn't remotely apply to whatever people label as "political correctness" in the first place.
Who first said it isn't relevant to Woodchip's post nor to the content of the comment in any way. It is simply a comment on PC and it is both funny and fitting.

Since you claim the authority on what 'people apply the PC label to', and proclaim we have it wrong, please tell us other people how the comment doesn't apply....
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Spidey »

There are dozens of definitions out there, on of my favorites is…”Polite Censorship”.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

Top Gun wrote:Even if it was a real quote, it doesn't remotely apply to whatever people label as "political correctness" in the first place.
absolutely. you have to be a complete moron to believe otherwise.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Will Robinson »

To me, 'a moron' would be someone who thinks hyperbole cannot be applied to the phrase "political correctness" in such a humorous way.
And I think only a tool would get so butthurt over it being used that way they come complain about it.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Tunnelcat »

What Political Correctness means to a liberal: :wink:

Conforming to a particular sociopolitical ideology or point of view, especially to a progressive liberal point of view concerned with promoting tolerance and avoiding offense in matters of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.

What Political Correctness means to a conservative: :P

A disparaging term used mainly against liberals, but in reality it connotes dogmatism, excessive sensitivity to minority causes, race, class, gender issues, sexual orientation, etc.

Freebase wrote:Political correctness is a pejorative term that refers to language, ideas, policies, and behavior aimed at minimizing alienation of and discrimination against politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups. The term usually implies that these social considerations are excessive or of a purely "political" nature. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, sexual orientation and disability. Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Communist "party line", which provided for "correct" positions on many matters of politics. The term was adopted in the later 20th century by the New Left, applied with a certain humour to condemn sexist or racist conduct as "not politically correct". By the early 1990s, the term was adopted by US conservatives as a pejorative term for all manner of attempts to promote multiculturalism and identity politics, particularly in terms of attempts to introduce new terms that sought to leave behind discriminatory baggage attached to older ones, and conversely to try to make older ones taboo. This phenomenon was driven by a combination of the linguistic turn in academia and the rise of identity politics both inside and outside it. These led to attempts to change social reality by changing language, with attempts at making language more culturally inclusive and gender-neutral. These attempts led to a backlash from the right, partly against the attempts to change language, and partly against the underlying identity politics itself. "Political correctness" became a convenient rightwing label for both of these things it rejected.
http://www.definitions.net/definition/p ... orrectness
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by vision »

So funny I forgot to laugh.

Minorities should suck it up so we can be rid of this "political correctness."
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:So funny I forgot to laugh.

Minorities should suck it up so we can be rid of this "political correctness."
Being rid of "political correctness" is being rid of empty gestures and useless euphemisms worn like a badge of honor. It is being rid of a tool used by the bullying self righteous poseurs.

It isn't being rid of graciousness or empathy or civility or respect, etc.

We already have those terms and their associate practices. We only adopted the term 'politically correct' to designate an act of phony or forced appearance of the genuine article.
It is commonly used to our detriment...like the way you often use it to squelch uncomfortable but needed conversation. You attempt to use it to hold yourself up on high and avoid difficult issues all in one go.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Tunnelcat »

If everyone respected one another, no matter what size, class, creed, race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation, then there would be no need for political correctness. :mrgreen:
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Will Robinson »

tunnelcat wrote:If everyone respected one another, no matter what size, class, creed, race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation, then there would be no need for political correctness. :mrgreen:
Even when we don't act in a civil manner there is no good reason for PC.
It is, by definition, at best, an ulterior motive.
If you need to call for compassion or empathy of respect then call for those things...by name. You can even continue to prosecute hateful disregard for it when real harm is done.

But please let us kill off this cult of faux morality in which celebrity hypocrites appoint themselves the emcees of a continuous ceremony of sanctimony!
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:So funny I forgot to laugh.

Minorities should suck it up so we can be rid of this "political correctness."
Wow, I like how you are trying to turn this into a racial cause celebre. And you try to berate Will for his posts.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote:Wow, I like how you are trying to turn this into a racial cause celebre. And you try to berate Will for his posts.
Please point out where I mentioned race. Do you even know what a minority is? (hint: it's not niggers and spics.)
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

Aha..it's white crackers then.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

I've learned to ignore people like Ferno and Vision. I think there has to be something about them that makes them feel inferior, so they find people they can dump on to feel a sense of empowerment. It's obvious to the person looking from the outside in. Makes me feel sorry for them and I wouldn't even say anything except it's chronic behavior for years now. I have yet to see them in a thread respond with an opposing viewpoint or if they do it is never without trying to demean the other person at the same time. Unless of course the threads where they lick Slick's boots, that's always fun to read :). Something obviously emotionally unbalanced about those two.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will Robinson wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:If everyone respected one another, no matter what size, class, creed, race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation, then there would be no need for political correctness. :mrgreen:
Even when we don't act in a civil manner there is no good reason for PC.
It is, by definition, at best, an ulterior motive.
If you need to call for compassion or empathy of respect then call for those things...by name. You can even continue to prosecute hateful disregard for it when real harm is done.

But please let us kill off this cult of faux morality in which celebrity hypocrites appoint themselves the emcees of a continuous ceremony of sanctimony!
Yeah, I know. I was having a little fun with the definition. I agree that PC has gotten a little out of hand, overused and tired. You just can't legislate respect and kindness. But you can't fault people who've been on the receiving end of other people's vitriol and BS for wanting a little peace and respect for once. :wink:
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

flip wrote:I've learned to ignore people like Ferno and Vision. I think there has to be something about them that makes them feel inferior, so they find people they can dump on to feel a sense of empowerment. It's obvious to the person looking from the outside in. Makes me feel sorry for them and I wouldn't even say anything except it's chronic behavior for years now. I have yet to see them in a thread respond with an opposing viewpoint or if they do it is never without trying to demean the other person at the same time. Unless of course the threads where they lick Slick's boots, that's always fun to read :). Something obviously emotionally unbalanced about those two.

nah, you got it wrong. I'm just here to try and keep people from going too far off the deep end.

Sometimes (well, a lot of the times), people mistake honest criticism for demeaning, and disagreement for denigration. Would you rather have us give it to you in a marshmallowey way, or would you have it straight to the point and brutally honest?

By the way flip.. care to point out one time I "licked slicks boots"?
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

Eh, maybe I was being a bit too harsh in your case, although I do see you pull the debate down to a personal level at times instead of towards the topic. Instead of responding like "Woody, I don't see how you could say that. Have you considered thus and thus?" It's more like "Woody your an idiot and I'm tired of these idiot posts." Nothing of any substance ever follows. Take TB for instance. He definitely has a narrow view of things and I've been here going on around 8 or so years now. He is pretty single-minded about things, but it seems all the responses to his posts are knee-jerk, band-wagon, conditioned responses. So the meat of what he posts always gets trampled in the attempt to discredit him. China and Russia are becoming real threats at this point and I could give a myriad of sound reasons why, but the debate never gets elevated to that point. It seems that attack the messenger to discredit the message is the rule of the day around here. That does no one any good. Plus, I'm just tired of seeing any personal attacks on this board because of a differing opinion. The only other time you see that kind of debate is between politicians ;).
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

flip wrote:Eh, maybe I was being a bit too harsh in your case, although I do see you pull the debate down to a personal level at times instead of towards the topic. Instead of responding like "Woody, I don't see how you could say that. Have you considered thus and thus?"
Tried that before. It didn't work. It doesn't work. It will never work.

Here's the thing. If what's written is well reasoned, interesting and civil, I take part. If it's deceitful, overplayed or trite, I tear it to pieces.

But i'm still waiting on the instance where I "licked slicks boots". If you're just making it up, you might want to come clean now.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by vision »

Flip seems to forget the time I and others recently tried to sincerely explain what was wrong with some of his "science" and in return we got even more deluded nonsense.

This E&C forum is just comedy to me, a place to pass the time while I wait for activity in the other forums on this site. Yes, I'm here because of a game, not because I have some sort of agenda or need a place to have my voice heard. The average post here consists of "Obama is a socialist" or something equally bland. There is no well-thought original writing worthy of serious critique and a severe lack of fact-checking in even the heartiest posts. Inferiority complex? Me? Puh-leaze. We aren't even in the same category. How can I take a writer seriously when every time they are faced with a challenge the defer to launching bible quotes? :roll:

On that note, have a nice day everyone! :D
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

Admin edit: Long insulting rant directed at Vision removed.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

Let's just do this Ferno, because I am in no way interested in meeting the kind of challenges you present here. So, I recant and next time it happens, I'll point it out. This will have 1 of 2 effects. You will either step in it or go out of your way to avoid it. Last time you stepped in it ;) Either way I get what I want to accomplish with you.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote: The average post here consists of "Obama is a socialist" or something equally bland. There is no well-thought original writing worthy of serious critique and a severe lack of fact-checking in even the heartiest posts. Inferiority complex? Me? Puh-leaze. We aren't even in the same category. How can I take a writer seriously when every time they are faced with a challenge the defer to launching bible quotes? :roll:

On that note, have a nice day everyone! :D
You keep talking about well thought out threads but I've yet to see either you or Fern start one. Perhaps you could show us how it is done.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by sigma »

On mine, political correctness can be compared to a diplomatic tact .
But also there are certain nuances. For example,
1 . The politically correct person calls the Black Afro-(the American, the European). The tactful person in additives to it tries not to look to the Black for a back in hope to see there a tail.
2 . Having decided to have dinner in McDonald's, the politically correct person will extol a hamburger. But the tactful person thus doesn't become constant to turn away to spit out a piece of this inedible rubber.
3 . The politically correct person will allow the Ukrainian to light as to the friend, but the tactful person even to the Ukrainian friend won't suggest to leave a gas lighter to himself.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Krom »

flip wrote::words:
If you are going to insult someone because you can't actually counter their argument; just insult them and get it over with, don't turn it into a giant meandering essay.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

That's the difference between me and you Krom. I'm not near as simple-minded. You only see the superficial, I see the impact. Just the fact that you think I was trying to insult those 2 shows what your motivations are. My motivations and abilities are higher than yours.

EDIT: I honestly don't know what Koolbears motivations were to giving kids power over other members that are way beyond their capacity. Not that I care much either. It's that sense of empowerment I was talking about earlier. Makes one obvious ;).
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

LOL! From now on I'll just say "Your mom", that's something I'm sure the youngsters on this board can relate too. :lol:
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

flip wrote:Let's just do this Ferno, because I am in no way interested in meeting the kind of challenges you present here. So, I recant and next time it happens, I'll point it out. This will have 1 of 2 effects. You will either step in it or go out of your way to avoid it. Last time you stepped in it ;) Either way I get what I want to accomplish with you.
Have fun pointing out nothing. But thanks for apologizing, even though you insulted everyone in this thread.

BTW... I'm being NICE.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »


This thread is a perfect example of Political Correctness. One side gets to call people stupid and moronic and insult and demean other people's personal beliefs, but if anyone calls them nasty and mean-spirited, the peanut gallery gets their feelings all hurt. Did I hurt your feelings? Sorry, I figured if one side can do it, then the other can too. Although, I have never resorted to name calling or jumping down people's throat or insulting anyone else's beliefs, it was still fun to watch the righteous indignation of those who always do!

EDIT: Sorry if this is too many words Krom but I refuse to talk bad about your momma. She may restrict you from the internet.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by Ferno »

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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote:You keep talking about well thought out threads but I've yet to see either you or Fern start one. Perhaps you could show us how it is done.
I did. Once. Here it is again. You abstained from the discussion, as did most others. Tunnelcat jumped in before reading or thinking and flip's only contribution was an unoriginal copy/paste. The only serious thoughts were given by roid. So yeah, that was a pretty good sign to me that this place is an intellectual sinkhole. It is why I treat E&C as entertainment since this forum is a small corner of a video game website.

Feel free to visit that old topic I started and dish out 1000 words* for me to chew on.

* That's the equivalent of a twitter post in academia.
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

Hehe, my little bitter friend. Everyone here always complains about sources. I use one given by a president (I can think of at least 3 who gave such warnings) to begin a foundation of a discussion about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" and your response was a result of your indoctrination. "Yes. how wonderful it would be if it were not a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy."

What am I supposed to do with that?
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by callmeslick »

Flip--Your Mom! :lol:
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by flip »

Up your nose with a rubber hose! :P
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Re: Political Correctness Defined

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:
woodchip wrote:You keep talking about well thought out threads but I've yet to see either you or Fern start one. Perhaps you could show us how it is done.
I did. Once. Here it is again. You abstained from the discussion, as did most others. Tunnelcat jumped in before reading or thinking and flip's only contribution was an unoriginal copy/paste. The only serious thoughts were given by roid. So yeah, that was a pretty good sign to me that this place is an intellectual sinkhole. It is why I treat E&C as entertainment since this forum is a small corner of a video game website.

Feel free to visit that old topic I started and dish out 1000 words* for me to chew on.

* That's the equivalent of a twitter post in academia.
What a whiny ego centric reply. Sob! Mommy I made this really good post, it had lotsa words n' everything, but all the meany's on the board either ignored it or didn't make replies that were any good. I'll never start another topic... there, that will show them. See what a big boy I can be Mommy?