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Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:04 pm
by Tunnelcat
Who knew someone kept track of these things. In Oregon, it's pain killer abuse. Must be all that rain we have to endure. :lol: ... .html?hp=1

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:39 am
Hrm...... I always thought the worst thing about our state was Multnomah county
*** SHRUG***

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:03 am
by Spidey
The worse thing about Pennsylvania is…its too close to New Jersey.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:43 pm
by Tunnelcat
Spidey wrote:The worse thing about Pennsylvania is…its too close to New Jersey.
Don't you mean, New Joisee? :P
CUDA wrote:Hrm...... I always thought the worst thing about our state was Multnomah county
*** SHRUG***
You obviously haven't lived in Benton or Lane county. :roll:

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:48 am
by Isaac
Texas is the greatest state, but none of the other states know it.

edit: the drop out rate is bull★■◆●. We have more illegal immigrants and Mexican nationals that come to our high schools than any other state, which inflate these numbers. Many of their parents treat school like free daycare and don't make their kids go to school once they're able to get a job. I don't want to play the race card, but lots of Spanish speaking "residents" don't see a point to finishing school and end up getting shitty jobs instead.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:41 pm
by snoopy
Spidey wrote:The worse thing about Pennsylvania is…its too close to New Jersey.
ROFL. I was just about the post this exact comment myself.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:56 pm
tunnelcat wrote:
CUDA wrote:Hrm...... I always thought the worst thing about our state was Multnomah county
*** SHRUG***
You obviously haven't lived in Benton or Lane county. :roll:
HRM dont remeber any slogans that say keep Benton or Lane county wierd :P

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:11 pm
by Tunnelcat
Put it this way CUDA. You'd go bonkers being around all the liberals in either Corvallis or Eugene. We're not spread out as much as Portland is, so you they're typically your close neighbors that you can't ignore as easily as in a big city. Plus, they pretty much run the town. :wink:

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:53 pm
by homeyduh
I love Texas, but the education system is crap, at least here in west Texas. The focus on standardized tests causes many students to feel shitty about themselves and makes teaches teach for a test and not teach the stuff that students really need. Poor teachers are put on the ★■◆● hole if they're students do poorly. I don't necessarily agree with the anti immigrant sentiment from earlier because not all immigrants are shitty. Many are trying to escape political and economical strife in their own country. Unfortunately the sacrifices of the parents aren't appreciated by the children who shut crap jobs. Unfortunately that's a universal problem, not just Mexicans. In addition to that, being told that you're a no good moocher so much will discourage you and ultimately lead to disinterest in school and education, which is already messed up because of the testing focus of the TEA.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:48 pm
by Sirius
...and this is how cycles of poverty are born.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:04 am
by homeyduh
Exactly. the first I would change would be the education system to support students and not discourage imagination, the arts, or personal goals (as opposed to strict state wide standards). I think all schools should recognize that there is no standard for student and that each student learns differently or at a different pace.

I'll be taking my miss America prize now lol

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:26 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Well Ms. America, when you've got a problem that bad there are only 3 things you can do. The first is to be in charge, in which case you've got a shot if you really do have the solution. The second is to trace the problem, and if it goes right to the top then you go elsewhere to succeed. The third is--in the absence of the 2nd scenario--to lead by example and do it right yourself, and go from there. There is so much deception in our culture that failure to obtain a comprehensive grasp of the problem is usually the biggest thing keeping a person from dealing it a death blow. The second biggest thing is resistance from people who for whatever reason are part of the problem.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:57 pm
by Spidey
Texas is an odd place, at the same time people say it has a bad educational system, and is backwoods in the tech department, they also have some of the best schools and technology schools/businesses.

Hell every time I watch The News Hour, they are talking about some breakthrough or some such….in Texas.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:41 pm
by sigma
Spidey wrote:Hell every time I watch The News Hour, they are talking about some breakthrough or some such….in Texas.
P.S. Look at the bright instance of American psychology and politics. That is, the United States will in any way to put a spoke in the wheel of human progress in other countries, to remain the only world leader. US is a clear threat to all. I think all the countries of the world are already aware of this and they will be able to unite to burn this a nest of wasps to hell.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:54 pm
by Alter-Fox
That's some strong language sigma.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:30 pm
by homeyduh
Well Texas is great once your out of the Texas public school system. University wise, I think we're pretty high up there, especially like MD Anderson. Primary and secondary schools need the boost. Unfortunately, I'm not in charge and I don't really plan to be seeing as I plan on getting into the medical field. I was just stating problems in my state :P

And Sigma, I know that America really is kinda crappy (especially once you learn about all the stuff they don't teach us in our very biased history classes that glaze over the many wrongs the US has committed), but to say that we need to burn in hell is another thing. I know my government oversteps it's boundaries in foreign affairs often, but keep in mind it's the government's doing, not it's citizens.

At any rate, THAT conversation is for Ethics and Commentaries. This conversation is about the problems of different states within the US.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:10 pm
by Alter-Fox
Now I'm very curious what kind of stuff American history classes don't teach you.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:12 pm
by sigma
homeyduh wrote:I know my government oversteps it's boundaries in foreign affairs often, but keep in mind it's the government's doing, not it's citizens..
We all understand that. The Americans and the US government are two different things. I hope that the US government has not completely fallen into idiocy. In the atmosphere of the planet really has already the smell of blood and millions of rotting corpses in the ruins of the largest cities in the world. I hope that all of us are lucky and we can avoid it.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:46 am
by Pumo
Yeah, I can agree with that last post from Sigma, as I see the same applies with the government of my own country (Mexico) and in a very similar manner (it IS a menace to us the citizens).
The problem doesn't lies in the citizens of the world, but on their governments, and I think Sigma made a strong point on that matter.

However, I think this topic needs to be splitted and sent to E&C to continue that discussion further for whoever may wish to do so.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:34 pm
by homeyduh
You're from Mexico Pumo? What state?

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:39 pm
by Pumo
I'm from the state of Puebla and its capital city (Puebla city, respectively), towards the south of the country.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:22 pm
by homeyduh
Don't worry, I'm slightly familiar with Mexico seeing as I live on the border (El Paso) and have danced folklorico since I was 5. Saddest thing is that I don't speak spanish and I'm 100% hispanic lol

To prevent this topic from going more off topic, what are problems in Puebla like?

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:38 am
by Pumo
Well, to avoid political discussion and to not send the topic to E&C I will talk about the worse of my state taking the political issues out of the table (even if they are a LOT and would definitely qualify for the worst of the worst!).

Some of the worst things in Puebla is the salty nature of the water we have due to the near volcanoes.
Even the treated and close to potable water we get from the water distribution systems is salty enough to leave a thick white layer of salt over the bathroom and kitchen furniture over the time, so you need to be constantly cleaning and dissolving it to make it look at least a bit presentable. :rant:

So we're forced to use lots of bottled water for drinking whether we like it or not.

Another thing I think would fit into the 'worst' category is the terrible bureaucratic system we have regarding the posession of a car. I had to deal with a lot of trouble, paperwork and several phone calls since MONTHS just to get an appointment for a simple vehicle verification. Other states and cities have a bit of a better service, but here, is a real PITA. :x

Fortunately we have a nice gastronomy and pretty tasty sweets here, that's what makes me forget all the nasty stuff! :P

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:27 pm
by Xamindar
Worst thing about California are the Liberals.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:25 am
by Alter-Fox
And yet, I'm sure another Californian would say the opposite. And when they did, this thread would turn into political mudslinging. And then it would get moved to E&C. Unless you want that, I recommend you follow Pumo's example and keep politics out of this conversation. They're not interesting to the curious mind anyway. We all know exactly how they go.

Most would probably say the worst thing about Manitoba (a province, not a state; because I must remind all you Americans every chance I get :lol: ) is the long, cold prairie winter but I actually like long, cold prairie winters so I'm gonna have to think of something else.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:01 pm
by Beowulf
All this cheap, legal, high-grade weed.

...oh wait you said worst thing.

Re: Worst thing about your state

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:06 pm
by Sirius
I'm told the crime rate in Winnipeg is nothing to be proud of - that, maybe?