Windows 10 worth it?

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Windows 10 worth it?

Post by ReadyMan »

I really like Windows 7.
I dont like windows 8.

Is windows 10 going to be worth the upgrade from 7?

Any thoughts?
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by Krom »

Maybe, the final verdict is still out but 10 reverses the worst of the changes made in 8 (start menu is back for desktops/laptops). Also 10 will be required for directx 12 support, which will grow more and more important as GPUs continue to outstrip single threaded CPU performance.

On the other hand, Microsoft just recently registered the trademark "Windows 365", which would indicate a subscription model like Office 365...
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by ReadyMan »

Hrm. dont think a subscription to an operating system is a good idea.
When I purchased my Surface2 Pro tablet, I had the option of buying the 2013 edition of Office for $100 or so,
as opposed to the $100 per year they wanted for Office 365. At least I own this office and dont have to pay more
for it each year.
I sure hope they dont push for a fee for the operating system each year. That's an obvious deal breaker.
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by Sergeant Thorne »

If they go subscription I finally go Linux
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by Krom »

Depends on the price really, Office 365 is $100/year for a license which lets you install on 5 machines and it will always update to the latest version of office. MS rolls a new version of office every couple years on average it seems, so if you wanted to do that without the subscription it would cost about $1500 every two years ($300 per license x5 machines). So depending on how many machines you use it on and how up to date they have to be, Office 365 can definitely be a lot less expensive in the long term than buying permanent licenses.

So if they keep the Windows (OEM) license at $100, but have a 1 year / 5 device subscription for ~$36/year and they keep their promise of rolling a new version of windows every 12-18 months, then the subscription would actually be cheaper in the long run. I'm not a fan of subscriptions either (most programs I use that have a subscription model I spent extra and got "lifetime" licenses for because of that), but if I could get the latest version of windows on all 5 main computers in the house for less than $40/year I would probably go for it.

Although there is one aspect that doesn't sound very appealing from that kind of model, if Microsoft once again let the tech-hippies get control and another Windows 8 happens, I wouldn't want to be stuck on a subscription that forces me to use it on all my machines.
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by Spidey »

That math doesn’t work for people with only one or two machines, I actually have three but one is at my shop, and the OS wont change until my next upgrade cycle(if then)….Main computer is replaced…becomes media center…media center becomes shop computer…Shop machine is off a sub is worthless.

But your last point is really the deal breaker.

Plus there are other hardware and software issues as well, once I have a stable machine, I keep it that way until it’s time to upgrade the entire thing. Who wants to have to go out and get new hardware/software, just because your OS just upgraded automatically.

Nahhhh, not for me. (hell I was mighty pissed, when the stupid kernel driver was botched and almost destroyed my machine)
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Re: Windows 10 worth it?

Post by Sirius »

If a subscription model is introduced, it's not going to be the only way to get Windows. Office is still on sale with a perpetual license - it may not be the one the media talks about but it's there and it has the same features.
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