Here's what happened with Reagan. The national debt doubled, he increased defense spending by 35% to fight those evil commies, government spending increased by
2.5% per year while he was in office, he expanded Medicare and
increased the payroll tax to help out with the funding of Social Security. His Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker, raised the Feds fund rate to 20%, which DID help to end the double-digit inflation we were suffering from, but it also put us back into another recession and gave Reagan a 10.8% unemployment rate, the highest of any recession since the Great Depression. Volcker had to lower the rates again to stop that embarrassing little recessionary backslide. After all that mess, THEN Reagan's expansion began. Makes you wonder if any of that future growth was because of any of Reagan's policies, or was it because the economic winds were blowing that way anyway and Reagan took credit? By the way, Obama's current unemployment rate sits around 5%.
But wait, there's more dirt under the rug. Reagan had far more
scandals under his watch than that of most of our recent presidents, including Obama and Nixon. Only Dubya comes closer. Reagan also had the 1987 Black Monday under his watch, the Savings and Loan failures of 1987 and signed into law the bipartisan Garn-St.Germain Act in 1982, which set the stage for the future bank crisis in 2008, although it's still unclear if it had anything to do with the Savings and Loan failures in 1987. There's a lot of tarnish on that supposed golden legacy.
Now tell me how Trump is going to pay for all his grand-grow-the-economy ideas with the debt our government is currently carrying, plus build his impenetrable southern border wall AND give many of the wealthy a huge tax break all at the same time WITHOUT creating more deficit spending, like Reagan? Maybe it will be so because Obama can't force corporations to start hiring,
despite the fact that all these corporations are
still sitting on mountains of cash
and have been all through Obama's tenure, they will suddenly and magically decide to hire more people in the U.S. and the U.S. consumer will magically start on a spending spree, because all the plutocrats now have a billionaire business butt kisser as their prez?