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The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:23 pm
by Top Gun
Interesting article noting how the Republican party is essentially going to face death via demographics in presidential elections if it doesn't undergo some fundamental changes. Some real eye-openers:
If only women voted, the Democratic party would win by 458 electoral votes to 80.

If only non-whites voted, the Democratic party would win every state in the union.

If only Millennials voted, the Democratic party would win over 400 electoral votes in a landslide.
Several states that were once solidly Republican electorally have either trended towards battleground states (Florida, Ohio) or are now solidly Democratic (Virginia), while about the only state that's trended the other way has been New Hampshire, with a relatively-inconsequential 4 electoral votes. So what does the GOP do when faced with data like these? They double down on appealing to older white male voters more than ever. Sound strategy there guys!

Re: The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:48 pm
by Spidey
As I have said before, the Republicans have no other choice than to become the other pander party, and get into a promise ★■◆● to everyone war. (because, you know, family values and ★■◆● are dead in this country)

I think this election pretty much proves the 2 party system needs to go, because it serves only 2 functions.

1. To polarize people
2. To keep the powers that be…in power.

Re: The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:05 pm
by vision
Spidey wrote:...the Republicans have no other choice than to become the other pander party...
Or, you know, actually make some changes in the way they do things. But god knows they won't do that, and I won't shed a tear when the party collapses.

Re: The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:50 pm
by Nightshade
vision wrote:Or, you know, actually make some changes in the way they do things. But god knows they won't do that, and I won't shed a tear when the party collapses.
Yes. The democratic party is the party of the single party state that was once known as America.

A future of decay and death awaits us under that single party.

Re: The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:25 pm
by Nightshade
A preview of the single party state where you cannot question the party...nor exercise any kind of free speech.

Re: The GOP's demographics crisis

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:45 pm
by vision
Nightshade wrote:A future of decay and death awaits us under that single party.
Not even close. If we really did have a single party system it would collapse almost immediately. The Democratic Party is already fractured nearly as bad as the Republicans. A single party system would also not survive long enough to remove the checks and balances needed to keep it that way.

Also, LOL at your video which is just a 5-minute book advertisement. Idiot, I bet you watched the whole thing, haha.