Look on the bright side Grendel. Maybe these are candidates actually trying to improve things because they have real life experience with how bad things currently are in their city. In other words, it takes one to know one.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:29 am
by Ferno
Let's count the stupid verbal tricks and mental gymnastics Stephen Miller does here...
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:59 pm
by Tunnelcat
We're making it worse for you in our efforts to discourage or kick immigrants out of our country. Canada may need it's own border wall at the rate things are going since we're now making our problem your problem.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:07 pm
by Top Gun
Ferno wrote:SJW's don't exist?
Welcome to 2017, where feminism paranoia is running rampant and every guy is looked upon as a potential rapist. Thanks.
Educational materials? So scary!
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:07 pm
by Ferno
What educational value does "rape culture" have when it's a load of horseshit?
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:06 pm
by Top Gun
"Horseshit." Uh-huh. Tell that to every victim of sexual assault who's been told she was "asking for it" because she was wearing a halter top. Or how about the entire town that defended a group of star football players after they raped a drunk girl. Nothing to see here.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
That story is talking about a documented rape case. Completely removed from the claim that college and university campuses have a rape culture. But seeing as you've straw-manned AGAIN, you're getting close to becoming an example of this thread.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:50 pm
by Top Gun
You're the one making absurd unqualified statements and then responding with hostility when I reply to them as-written. Either clarify your statements or don't make them in the first place. And you're really going to take a stand on college campuses not having issues with sexual assault?
Quite frankly you've shown a disturbing recent trend of attempting to completely dismiss complex social issues out-of-hand. I'd like to think of you as generally intelligent, but it's been my experience that people who sling around terms like "SJW" are acknowledging that they have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:31 pm
by Tunnelcat
Ferno wrote:Just hope you don't live here, and whatever you do, don't do anything that might cause a fire -- including live in a house.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:20 pm
by Grendel
Ferno wrote:SJW's don't exist?
Welcome to 2017, where feminism paranoia is running rampant and every guy is looked upon as a potential rapist. Thanks.
You have a "Ministry of the Status of Women" ? WTH do they do ?
Does Canada have a "Ministry of Information Retrieval" by chance ?
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:43 pm
by Ferno
Grendel wrote:You have a "Ministry of the Status of Women" ? WTH do they do ?
Does Canada have a "Ministry of Information Retrieval" by chance ?
HAH! Well, you got me. I have no idea what a 'ministry of the status of women' does, but it seems very 1984-esque, n'est-ce pas?
If you happen to forget to PAY for your private fire coverage, well.......
See, that's what tax dollars are supposed to pay for. But we have this ★■◆●.
people who sling around terms like "SJW" are acknowledging that they have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.
A true social justice warrior, or civil leader would be Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Harriet tubman and Jesse jackson. These people supported and fought for the rights that everyone enjoys.
An SJW however is a person who uses hyperbole, gish gallops and strawman tactics to shame and guilt a person into silence, and have them barred from performing at conventions. They take rare examples; even disagreements, inflate them and portray them as the status quo. IE: 'I don't like what you've said from fifteen years ago so you're a NAZI!' (yes this actually happened, but i'm sworn not to repeat the details).
I looked at the full study in that link, Topgun. When an organization employs questions that read "did this dick joke make you feel sexually assaulted?" and uses them as part of their metrics, then I have some SERIOUS ethical questions for them.
But as it stands, your response and that survey are golden examples of "The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks."
Quite frankly you've shown a disturbing recent trend
Funny how this started as soon as I started questioning you. I think you're too used to me agreeing with you and now that you see I've disagreed with you on a few things (by putting a few torpedos into them) suddenly, I'm the problem. You know as well as anyone here that I take shots at any and all stupidity that comes my way. Hence the thread.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:41 pm
by Top Gun
Tunnelcat wrote:
It's not only a Canadian problem. It's also happening in the U.S. in rural areas where privately run fire departments are the only option.
Christ, this is like the stories we'd hear about Benjamin Franklin's original fire company during field trips to Philly. Policy-holders had this metal insignia affixed to the front of their houses, and if you weren't one, the firefighters generally weren't in a huge hurry to save your property.
Ferno wrote:
Funny how this started as soon as I started questioning you. I think you're too used to me agreeing with you and now that you see I've disagreed with you on a few things (by putting a few torpedos into them) suddenly, I'm the problem. You know as well as anyone here that I take shots at any and all stupidity that comes my way. Hence the thread.
It's not the disagreement I take issue with, but the nature of it. You're taking isolated fringe cases like that Nazi quote and using them to paint an entire related set of positions with a crazy-exaggerated brush...hell, in that sense you're not being any better than TB. That's what I find most disconcerting.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:12 pm
by Ferno
Top Gun wrote:It's not the disagreement I take issue with, but the nature of it. You're taking isolated fringe cases like that Nazi quote and using them to paint an entire related set of positions with a crazy-exaggerated brush...hell, in that sense you're not being any better than TB. That's what I find most disconcerting.
And there it is. The stupidest thing anyone will read all day. Calling it a 'nazi quote' just shows how you've bought into the modern day regressive bull★■◆● so much that you'll misrepresent and distort anything that disagrees with your new perception. "did he say rapeculture was fake? LET'S CALL IT NAZI WRITING!!!"
Did you read 'sieg heil' in there somewhere'? Or a reference to 'mein kampf'? Or any references or quotes from any Third Reich speeches? Nope. Calling it a 'nazi quote' is a play straight out of the SJW playbook where they distort and misrepresent something they disagree with to the point it becomes something it is not. This has the effect of trivializing their claim to the point where it's not taken seriously. This is the second time I've called you on this, and instead of you saying 'oh you might have a point', you mentally block it out and double down on it. Then you try to turn it on me in the hopes you can guilt me into admitting something that I am not. I'll tell you this in the most direct way I can. You. Cannot. Win. Here.
Do you even know what a real Nazi is? You should, you are a teacher. It's part of the course in history. To even place this on the same level is a spit in the face of all the veterans that made sure real nazism didn't come to america. Anyone with a brain will read that and realize it's not even close to anything 1930's german.
The other thing is you're trying to attach your annoyance with TB onto me here. That won't work because my identity isn't derived from that, and my identity isn't derived by what you think of me. Play identity politics elsewhere. You can disagree with TB over politics all day, any day. I don't really care about that. But to use that against what's shown as demonstrable and objective fact IS the dishonest part here.
TL:DR - rape is bad; rape culture is bull★■◆●, the stats don't back it up; colleges/universities aren't 6000% more dangerous than the rest of the world.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:38 pm
by Top Gun
...are you being deliberately ★■◆●ing obtuse? YOU SAID that someone called you a Nazi for disagreeing with them. Right ★■◆●ing here:
IE: 'I don't like what you've said from fifteen years ago so you're a NAZI!' (yes this actually happened, but i'm sworn not to repeat the details).
That is what I was referring to, that you were taking one stupid isolated incident and extending it to an entire group of people. I have literally no idea what the ★■◆● most of the rest of your post is on about.
Oh, and I missed the part where "rape culture" was something that only exists on college campuses, because that would be a batshit insane thing to say. Care to enlighten me where that's coming from?
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:51 pm
by Tunnelcat
Ferno wrote:TL:DR - rape is bad; rape culture is bull★■◆●, the stats don't back it up; colleges/universities aren't 6000% more dangerous than the rest of the world.
Ferno, I also don't believe in a rape culture on campus. But I think the real problem in college campuses is the partying and accompanied alochol use and abuse, which does lead to an increased opportunity for rapes to be committed against women, in the right settings and circumstances.
This is why you don't do stupid stuff in tinder dry locations, like throw fireworks at people for the hell of it on a nature trail in the middle of a heat wave. A witness claims that the juvenile perp said this to her when she confronted him as to why he threw fireworks which started the fire:
"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
Well for starters, how about helping pay for fighting the massive fire you just set you little dumb ★■◆●.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:53 pm
by Tunnelcat
And apparently, this is the 3rd time a breach has happened at Equifax. I guess they don't take their security very seriously. It's also very suspicious that three Equifax executives dumped large chunks of their stock right before the breach was reported, which took them 3 months to report in the first place. Pricks. If I did a little insider trading like that, I'd be thrown in jail for securities fraud.
As for what to do about it, I don't know, other than monitor all my credit cards. ★■◆●, there's a lot of crap someone can do with your SS number, name and address, like take a mortgage out in your name or file for a refund from the IRS. I'm certainly not going to register at Equifax's site. You give away ALL your rights to sue the bastards once you sign up and say OK to their "free" monitoring. I already had a credit card number stolen during the last Home Depot hack and someone started using it about a year later. I was a PITA to call the credit card company to report and get cancelled the 5 illegal transactions that began to show up in my bills , all from QVC, plus get a whole new card.
Re: The stupid that just makes you stop in your tracks.