Watch a volcano erupt LIVE

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Watch a volcano erupt LIVE

Post by Nightshade »

I'm currently in Mexico City and I can see this thing right outside my window:

Popocatépetl volcano

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Re: Watch a volcano erupt LIVE

Post by Tunnelcat »

That volcano has been erupting like, forever. That's why it's live streamed. But the other question is, why are you in Mexico City? Vacation? :wink:
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Re: Watch a volcano erupt LIVE

Post by Nightshade »

Tunnelcat wrote:That volcano has been erupting like, forever. That's why it's live streamed. But the other question is, why are you in Mexico City? Vacation? :wink:
Yep. Visiting family.
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" - Mao Zedong
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