Don't Panic! - a set of very smol maps for D1
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:24 am
Had these gathering dust on my hard drive for years, thought I'd go ahead and clean them up for release.
A set of 30 small levels, roughly "Descent-1-shaped" in terms of environment design and enemy selection (this means bosses on 7 and 27, and look for secret exits on 10, 21 and 24) with a twist: All levels consist of only 42 cubes/segments! Inspired by the timeless Descent Vignettes as well as various constrained mapping projects in the Descent and Doom communities
Tested with D1X-Rebirth 0.59.100 (with dodgeable homing missiles). Should be vanilla-compatible except for the MIDI soundtrack (All credits go to Id Software). Co-op starts are placed in each level, but not tested at all.
Had these gathering dust on my hard drive for years, thought I'd go ahead and clean them up for release.
A set of 30 small levels, roughly "Descent-1-shaped" in terms of environment design and enemy selection (this means bosses on 7 and 27, and look for secret exits on 10, 21 and 24) with a twist: All levels consist of only 42 cubes/segments! Inspired by the timeless Descent Vignettes as well as various constrained mapping projects in the Descent and Doom communities
Tested with D1X-Rebirth 0.59.100 (with dodgeable homing missiles). Should be vanilla-compatible except for the MIDI soundtrack (All credits go to Id Software). Co-op starts are placed in each level, but not tested at all.