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Finitude (some prose)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:26 am
by Drakona
Old, but it's been on my mind these days, and I don't think I've posted it here before. Enjoy.

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I am a spider in a tree. 
      I spin a web between branches
            and sit in the middle.
      Swaying branches, stretchy web,
            and it supports me.

I once saw another spider
      spin a web on these same branches
            and sit in the middle.
      Same branches, different web
            and it supported him.

If I leave my web
      and climb the branches
            and sit up high,
      I can look down and see
            different webs,

I am free of my own web,
      up in the thin and swaying branches,
            where I sit exposed.
      Whipping winds, beating sun--
            I am at the mercy of unfathomable forces!

I pitifully cling lest I tumble off into the void,
      only a tiny spider in a world too vast for me.
            And this is virtue?
      I cannot hope to hold on,
            so I jump.

            And abandon myself to the mercy of the Rock. 

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:54 am
by Top Gun
Very deep :).

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 8:52 pm
by Beowulf
I like can only write what you feel :)