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Ecstasy - Tell me about it... please.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:37 pm
by TheCops
a friend of mine has been rollin' a lot... and it seems to be effecting her in unpleasant ways.

can any former/current users give me some personal insight and or links to information about this stuff? (i've already been reading the us government info)

as far as i can tell it's speed (or meth) and mescaline mixed... accurate?

please advise.


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:48 pm
by Top Wop
They showed a program once where they did an x-ray of an ecstasy user's brain. It resembled Swiss cheese.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:46 pm
by Testiculese
If you're stupid, you roll. Check out Google. Plenty of info there.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:54 pm
by TheCops
heh. thanx... umm yea i googled plenty.

i was looking for more direct experience with it so i can determine if she is:

a - naturally stupid
b - a friggin' moron hippie rationalizing poor behavior
c - rolling more than she is leading on that she does
d - all of the above

if anyone of you care to share personal experiences with me via email that would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:57 pm
by Palzon
you expect me to tell the cops about my prior drug use? i plead the fif. queue bfdd...he's done his, uh, homework. o, and check yer mail.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:08 pm
by melvin
everything in moderation.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:51 pm
by Will Robinson
melvin wrote:everything in moderation.
Poisoning yourself to get a temporary high on the side effects of the poison is no good even in moderation if the net result is permanent damage.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:53 pm
by TheCops
i should have posted this 4 months ago.

i smell a giant game show incorrect answer buzzer on that friendship. EHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!

what ever happened to weed, booze, and sex?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:00 pm
by Will Robinson
TheCops wrote:...what ever happened to weed, booze, and sex?
Ahh, the they rocked!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:10 pm
by Birdseye
Yep, erowid is the place to go.

"They showed a program once where they did an x-ray of an ecstasy user's brain. It resembled Swiss cheese. " - top wop

Heh, that's just stupid. No good evidence of anything like that, though since MDMA is related to speed's family it is thought to possibly cause some brain damage, though it's unclear whether it's once or 100 times or whatever.

Of course, they're still arguing to what extent alcohol causes brain damage. And smoking tobacco--you get the idea.

I know a woman who has taken ecstacy (pure) once a week for about 20 years. She's smart as ever, in her sixties, and is very happy. Clearly the issue is not cut and dry, but it certainly comes with plenty of risk!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:13 pm
by TheCops
just got back from the red dragon... we had some wondrous punch (which is a very harsh drink, and kufyit never wants to hang. heh.)

the point is... i used to drop acid when i was a kid.... and in reflection, i know that i did too much.

so, how do i identify someone who rolls too much? what are the warning signs?

i've read the data on the feds site... and was impressed by's information.

but how do i "identify" a chronic "roller"? like, someone who has taken it too far?

it doesn't really matter now with this woman. but hell if i'm dealing with happy hippie "we all love each other and act like fools" behavior anymore.

i'm just naive with the effects of this drug... but of course i'll have sex with a drunk woman.


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:16 pm
by Testiculese
A and B, Meat, talk some sense into her!

You posted while I was typing.

If she rolls more than once a week..even once a too much.

One joint and the right guy can be so much better than E, tell her, adn then offer to prove it :)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:21 am
by Birdseye
Well, if they use it and they are depressed after, that's a good sign of serotonin being depleted. Many people, but not all, the day after MDMA (not like psychedelics, which usually have an afterglow the day/week/month after) feel a bit down or lethargic. However, if it's a severe depression, or if it continues more than a day, they're doing too much.

Basically, like most drugs, if it's adversely affecting their personality and happiness they're doing too much. I personally wouldn't do MDMA more often than every 3-6 months because of the unknown factors about how it affects the brain and serotonin

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:43 am
by SilverFJ
Rule of thumb:
God made pot, shrooms, and Timothy Leary.
Man made beer, crack, and XTC.
Who do you trust?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:47 am
by Birdseye
God made everything.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:55 am
by SilverFJ
God made the devil
God hates sin
God made sin
God is omniscient
God is perfect
God creates a flaw
for some damn reason completely foreign to me...

God works in mysterious ways. They say genious is the border of insanity. Omniscience is undoubtfully synnonymed genious...
God is insane.

That's how we got crack.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:30 am
by Lothar
How about this:

Let's keep the "drugs" topic focused on drugs, rather than on theology. I'm pretty sure Cops isn't currently interested in ruminations on what God did or didn't make. If you want to do theology, please start another thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:33 am
by SilverFJ
I'm not doing theology, I'm giving my explaination of how we got crack. God just has a little to do with it, that's all.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:08 am
by Lothar
... which, in any case, has no bearing on the question at hand.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:03 am
by roid
any study into teh effects of long term extacy use that doesn't take into account the amount of other drugs an extacy user is GUARENTEED to have taken in excess, is flawed.

the swiss cheese study is one such study, and yet another sensational scare.
excess alcohol is known for it's effects on the brain, extacy users generally take alcohol as well, and other drugs.

MDMA (extasy) is actually a very natural substance, extracted quite simply from a certain cactus. it can be made synthetically however, and this method is the generally favoured method because anyone buying/cultivating the rare american cactus is easily spotted by the powers that be.

after MDMA was discovered in the 1970s, by the 1980s it was being used by psychiatrists and therapists. because of the ultra stimulation of the production of seretonin, the patient quickly opens up to the therapist, therapy time becomes many factors more efficient when the patient is given MDMA at the start of every session.

then, as with so many new drugs, the DEA banned it, no research, just banned it coz it was being "abused" (this is DEA speak for any illegal drug use: "abuse"). recreational and medical use (remember, no studys had actually been done), and also of course all RESEARCH into MDMA, *sigh* such is law. that happened in 1985.

if you think ★■◆●ing around with seretonin is a bad idea. tell it to all the people out there on SSRI anti-depressant drugs (prozac, zoloft, paxil, celexa), Tricyclic Antidepressants, MAO Inhibitors, as well as Effexor, Serzone, Wellbutrin, Desyrel. they all are designed to act on seretonin levels.
SSRI drugs for example, make the seretonin last in your brain for longer, extending the life of your natural seretonin (seretonin is naturally constantly produced and reabsorbed by the body).

i actually would like to get my hands on some pure MDMA. with the amount of SSRI meds i take, add MDMA to the mix and theoretically the SSRIs would extend the high, who knows how long for ;).

actually, i'd like to try to ween myself from SSRI meds, onto MDMA.

here's an interview with the scientist who first discovered MDMA, back in the 70s. it's a good informative read, it gives a brief history and background of MDMA.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:30 am
by TheCops
i read that it was first "discovered" in 1914...

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:36 am
by kurupt
xciter is right about it sometimes being dirty, but its worse than he mentioned at times. i've seen batches with rat poison in it. yes, rat poison. if you ever plan to try this stuff, i reccomend only doing it once or twice and only during sex, and also make sure where you got it is someone you completely trust. preferably someone who has a history of not killing people with his stuff.

ive seen it with cocaine in it, heroin, rat poison, meth, and even very small shards of glass and once a bit of resin from a fired handgun. you see some wierd ★■◆● sometimes. i doubt this has anything to with your friend here, but make sure before you accept any from her you find out as much about it as you can.

you really want to know about the stuff, give drummergirl a call. she knows a bunch about it. obviously bfdd will too, but most of his info comes from her. she (i think) will be at the lan in chicago, ask her there if you want.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:58 am
by Nightshade
heh. hippies with the drugs again.

You kill yourself with deserve it.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:05 pm
by TheCops
i just wanted to say thank you to birdseye. that was the info i was seeking.

good on ya,

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:49 am
by [DWL]Punk
whats your problem thunderbunny?
what did we ever do to you?

you probably got made fun of a lot in high school didn't you?

are you pissed off because you never got to smoke during lunch with all the cool kids?
don't talk ★■◆● about a certain group unless you know who they are. i can tell by your constant rantings about hippies that deep down inside, you love us, and always will, but your just not cool enough to be one of us... little ★■◆●

Cops, wouldn't this girl get kinda pissed at you for getting into her business? one thing about the drug world is, if you dont do them, stay the fu*k away from the crowd that does. we don't want to be helped. we don't want to be "shown the light"
I'm sure your friend would just want you to stay away from her business. she knows what shes doing.
trying to helping her would just be an insult.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:02 am
by TheCops
[DWL]Punk wrote: Cops, wouldn't this girl get kinda pissed at you for getting into her business? one thing about the drug world is, if you dont do them, stay the fu*k away from the crowd that does. we don't want to be helped. we don't want to be "shown the light"
I'm sure your friend would just want you to stay away from her business. she knows what shes doing.
trying to helping her would just be an insult.
ahhh shadup.
you have no idea what you are talking about. i was asking questions because i was unfamiliar with the effects of said controlled substance. believe me i don't wanna hang out with 29 year olds that are so devoid they need to pretend they love everyone and everything.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:28 am
by Testiculese
ThunderBunny wrote:heh. hippies with the drugs again.

You kill yourself with deserve it.
He's right, Punk. If you're stupid enough to take it, and you die..well, tough.
[DWL]Punk wrote:...she knows what shes doing
Hahaha, that's the most niave statement I've heard. She has no idea what she's doing, or she wouldn't be doing it. Friends help keep friends alive. She should consider herself lucky if Copsy can talk some sense into her. I'm all for a reduction in population, but I'd rather have survival be biased towards the ladies ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:02 pm
by Birdseye
"ive seen it with cocaine in it, heroin, rat poison, meth, and even very small shards of glass and once a bit of resin from a fired handgun."

Please, stop propogating drug myths. I bet you think LSD sits in your spine, too ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:16 am
by roid
to all the ppl screaming about rat poison (eek!!! think of the children!!!).

the common anticoagulent drug "Warfarin", in it's concentrated form is sold as "standard rat poison". i'm not joking. we basically are overdosing rats and mice on Warfarin to kill them, and have been doing it for ages.

as with almost all poisons & medicines, the thin line between the 2 definitions is simply all in the dose.
so do be careful where you shove those nieve and judgemental definitions of yours, lest you look like quite the fool indeed.

Testiculese, Thunderbunny.
you guys are were* acting like really unempathetic, judgemental, nieve, horrible little gremlins you know that?

*: edited (noticing the dates. perhaps water under the bridge has had an influence)