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"Welcome to the Classic Descent Server!"

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:04 am
by RUL-
There is a new server on kali - Classic Descent Server #334 - for all the active D1/D2 players to go to and find games. The MOTD has some great links too. I'll be there for D1 D2 ...
have fun

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:49 am
There is only One Server

Welcome to Kali!
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Connected to server.
Requesting message of the day from host...

Hi and welcome to the Descent server

Descent #539 "Kali's Official Descent Server"

Bad enough we were not able to get players from the Temporary PXO chat server @ shadowfire to KALI, like they should have to unite the community back again. But instead they act as seperatists hanging out by themselves over at Gamesurge, thinking they are better than anyone here

...WE don't need that BS with D1 and D2


Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:58 am
by RUL-
You are right. My bad. I was passing it on for someone.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:01 am
This is what you need to do when you see a D3 Player, who acts like gamesurge is the foshiznet.
But wait until they reformat their system from getting those subseven virus because they have no clue how to use IRC (wonder where that came from)

Descent Server #539

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:46 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Anyone who is anyone uses GameSurge. When I use GameSurge I don't feel like a weak little nerd anymore, it's like it gives me special powers! "You can do anything on GameSurge, anything at all.. The only limit is yourself." :D

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:47 am
by Lobber

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:25 am
by Krom
I use gameserge because it is easly intigrated directly into Trillian.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:50 am
by Stryker
Krom wrote:I use gameserge because it is easly intigrated directly into Trillian.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:11 am
by Ferno

Krom, how can a certain IRC server integrate into Trillian?

JFTR, Trillian has an IRC client

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:06 am
by Krom
Yeah, trillian has an IRC client, it does not have a KALI client.