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Things you would never hear DBB posters say...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:39 am
by Sapphire Wolf
bet51987: Dark Falcon likes Pok'emon, That cool!

Krom: Pok'emon, More like Dump'emon

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:46 am
by Spaceboy

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:00 pm
by Krom
WTF? I dont recall saying that in chat or otherwise.

Wheres Duper? It is his job on the DBB to do the pika thing.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:12 pm
by MD-2389

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:13 pm
by Vertigo 99
lol dumpemon


Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:13 pm
by Bet51987
It would have been nice of you to post a language warning attached to this post......not nice

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:36 pm
by Sirius
Heheh... I only need to see the URL to guess that... the Kali guys in that guild (Machin-Shin) are absolute FREAKS. :)

That's kind the point Krom... 'never hear DBB posters say'... and I doubt you're big on typoing Pokemon either...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:49 pm
by Topher
Let's change this thread to just "Things you would never hear Dark Falcon say..."

Dark Falcon: Stop wasting my air!
Dark Falcon: Who posts this crap anyway?
Dark Falcon: Get a life, man!
Dark Falcon: Hahaha, that post isn't even worthy of Dark Falcon!
Dark Falcon: I like girls.
Dark Falcon: This here thread is positively prediginous!
Dark Falcon: LOL WTF JK!!!111 is something that I would never say.
Dark Falcon: 12? Try 45.
Dark Falcon: I have a wife and 3 kids.
Dark Falcon: Star Trek sucks man!
Dark Falcon: Live in my parents basement? Maybe when I was 8...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:04 pm
by Duper
Krom wrote:WTF? I dont recall saying that in chat or otherwise.

Wheres Duper? It is his job on the DBB to do the pika thing.
hehe.. this is "Things you would NEVER hear DBB posters say."

so of course, you didn't say that. ;)

oh yea... Pika Pika!


or should that be .... FL...CL??

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:20 pm
by Iceman

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:31 pm
by Tricord
Topher wrote:Let's change this thread to just "Things you would never hear Dark Falcon say..."

Dark Falcon: Stop wasting my air!
Dark Falcon: Who posts this crap anyway?
Dark Falcon: Get a life, man!
Dark Falcon: Hahaha, that post isn't even worthy of Dark Falcon!
Dark Falcon: I like girls.
Dark Falcon: This here thread is positively prediginous!
Dark Falcon: LOL WTF JK!!!111 is something that I would never say.
Dark Falcon: 12? Try 45.
Dark Falcon: I have a wife and 3 kids.
Dark Falcon: Star Trek sucks man!
Dark Falcon: Live in my parents basement? Maybe when I was 8...
PWNE etc..

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:46 pm
by Vertigo 99
Vertigo 99: "Wow, woody, that's a great point. Dubya IS a better president than Kerry!"

woodchip: "Hmm. Liberals aren't that bad, I guess."

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:33 pm
by Dedman
Vertigo99 wins.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:04 pm
by kurupt
Dark Falcon needs a lady friend. or just a friend.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:26 pm
by JMEaT
Oh goodie. One of these threads!



Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:27 pm
by Drakona
LOL @ Vertigo... Okay, this could be pretty funny. Let me take a shot.

AceCombat: Now, if we just talk this over calmly, I'm sure we can work things out.

Ferno: Well, since we're on the subject of the mind-body problem, I'm going to subject you all to a three page summary of my thoughts on it...

Kurupt: *I* am the greatest Descent player of ALL time. You can *clearly* see this by the way I am *constantly* talking about my game. I don't need to go to the mines to prove myself.

Tetrad: I don't like girls. They have cooties.

Kurupt (again): Oh, that picture is so vulgar! And the profanity!! Jeez, someone put a content warning on that!

Stresstest: I don't mind if you link my personally hosted forum pics in your posts. That's what they're there for!

Roid: Why are you talking about monkeys from outer space? That's so pointless. Get a grip. This is serious. You insane people are starting to scare me.

Mobius: You know, those creationists have a point.

Flabby Chick: That's so stupid. I demand that the moderators close this thread right now. In fact, I'm so hurt I'm going to leave the forum over it. GOOD BYE!

Lothar: Okay, the logic here is too much for me and the math is over my head. But they aren't important anyway. I'm going to respond based on my feelings.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:38 pm
by Gooberman
MD-2389: Thread re-opened
Xciter: I think we are too strict here
Stresstest: I am a bandwidth philanthropist
Lothar: ★■◆● Jesus
bet51987: I am the_Cops
theCops: I am not bet54987
Vlider: ★■◆● Ingus
AceCombat: heh
Ferno: Drugs are bad
Hostile: Rox hax
Krom: I don't know what that does.
Roid: I don't drink anything with caffeen in it.
Kurupt: I am getting married. <3
Redbone: gg
woodchip: I joined Peta

:) <3

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:54 pm
by bash
Gooberman: *Stay on topic.*

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:27 pm
by kurupt
Gooberman: Stop! No means no!

hehe, married...hehe...heh...he...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:39 pm
by Mobius
Four things you won't hear DBB posters say:

1) You are right. I am wrong.

2) I am teh gay.

3) I have a small p3nis.

4) I suck at Descent.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:40 pm
by woodchip
Ace: I just want to pick you up and hold you

Cat: Be gentle

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:49 pm
by JMEaT
Mobius wrote:Four things you won't hear DBB posters say:

1) You are right. I am wrong.

2) I am teh gay.

3) I have a small p3nis.

4) I suck at Descent.
I've said 1 and 4 more than once here. Well... 4 more than 1... :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:59 pm
by Dedman
I have a small p3nis.

See Mobi, you are never right.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:55 pm
by Vertigo 99
I suck at descent

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:18 pm
by Ympakt
TheCops: I am sober.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:28 pm
by DCrazy
Bettina: I am TheCops.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:40 pm
by Vertigo 99
goob beat ya to that one, DC

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:38 pm
by roid
things ppl would never say? here's one.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:37 pm
by SolidAir
[D3k]SirWinner: my 2nd lawyer passed away
[D3k]SirWinner: and i had nothing to do with it

<Morbii> if pxo were my penii, I'd be a female! (morbii is nirvana)

<Vander> The 'I Me', holier then thou, 'Crappy Ctf- no Polaris skillz', player of the Millenium.

<bashii> Sirian surfaced today
<bashii> he's like Moby Dick

Raos: whats this fisting thing
Raos: do tell

<Sirian> I tend to visualize the ending first.
<MehYam> That's funny, 'cause whenever I read something you've written, I
tend to visualize the ending myself.
<MehYam> j/k!
* Sirian flips Mehyam the bird.

<Morbid-21> if ego had a worldwide limit, I wouldn't be able to get anymore because of Xciters horde

<JeffV> I don't know how you guys can be mad a KoolBear, he made the Internet Explorer Descent Skin. Show some respect!

<B_Spears> sirian/sirwinner = same thing? Maybe Sirian is the personality's "angry" side. And SirWinner is his GOOD HAPPY ONLINE side.

<Sirian> I like some horse for a change, but I like fag more.
<Sirian> horde and flag. HORDE and FLLLLLLLLLLAG.

<Breadman> btw you guys need to get your butts back on the ladder.
<Pres2K> heh, sorry, no mo interest in D =(
<Breadman> i'm never gonna make it to 500 matches due to the lack of pilots.
<Breadman> fine, we can play death match UT and call it an IDL match =)
<Pres2K> lol

<|Midnite|> amazing how well you can ★■◆● up words when you don't think when you type
<Prescienc> yes... just look at Sirian
<Prescienc> obviously a non-thinker... ;P

<NirvHUMAN> There is no whine, there is only lag.

<Arsentia> Bend over, Nirv.
<N_Lecter> ok arse

*** ashboy was kicked by N_Lecter (<Birdseye> kick ashboy for me :))
<Birdseye> lol

<ashboy> man..idl leaders change so fast..
<HppyClown> Yeah, SoniC just hit puberty

<kufyit> god
<LordDeath> yes, my child?

<Tetrad> lol, sirian posted a one-sentence post to the dbb :P

<[-Ender-]> I just ran across a great Win9x Macros program.
<[-Ender-]> EZ Macros. Very nice. I've automated tons and tons of stuff. :)
*** [-Ender-] has quit IRC (Ping Timeout)
<Glock21> heh, wrong macro

<SolidAir> I'll shup now
<SolidAir> at least with the colors
<SolidAir> :) I add more life to the chatroom anyway
<SolidAir> :P
*** SolidAir was kicked by N_Lecter (we don't like life here)

* Vlider rips lecter's arm off and feeds it to him
<SolidAir> :)
<N_Lecter> hehe
* N_Lecter slides Vlider a sternum
<SolidAir> nirv ate that hand that feeds

<Arsentia> Free. Your mind.
<[-Toby-]> Kill. Canadians.

<Sewerat> the guy (Eagle) is a little loony though...I mean jeez, its one thing to have an idle, but from what he said in his
<Sewerat> idol
<Sewerat> hehe idle
<Dynamo-> must a been spending too much time here :P

<Tetrad> just because I play with my SW3Dpro on my lap doesn't make me wierd
<Merl> lol

<N_6Sense> I just got done reading your new book Sirian :)
<Sirian> Which one was that?

<Birdseye> I went a month once with no booze
<Birdseye> but I think I was like eight or something

* Christy_ eagerly awaits the arrival of his new joystcik, so all u can be 0wned.
<Trinity1> heh what kind?
<LorD3edit> wingman extreme probably :D
<LorD3edit> hehe
<Christy_> ha wingman, ★■◆● please

<Sirian> I've got to head out. Have a good night, peeps.
*** Sirian has quit IRC (Ciao 4 now)
<Mr_Death> Sirian said peeps.
<Birdseye> sirian said peeps!
<Birdseye> roffle
<Mr_Death> HEH
<Birdseye> jinx LD

<Trinity1> I'd be scared of what you could quote me on ;P

* Ashboy gives grey alil head shake up and down..
* Ashboy notices that solidair has changed his alias
<SolidLand> yes.
<Ashboy> wh00p! l8r.
*** Ashboy has quit IRC (yes)
<SolidLand> never seen a guy so excited about my nick change

<Sirian> Well the "fat" ship is gonna have 3 fusion ports. IT WILL BE A NEW ERA OF SUCCESS FOR THE FOUNDATION!

<Sewerat> all these ideas that pour out of DBB we if you're wondering why D3 is being late...well it's all your fault...stop with the ideas!!! :)

<LordDeath> I thought someone stole my Nick on PXO, but turns out I had registered like 3 months ago :)
<LordDeath> I stole my own nick

<Arsentia> So lasers aren't supposed to have levels in the demo, or am I just wacko? :)
<Gwar> correct
<Gwar> on both counts

*** Gimli changes topic to '<|Kevlar|> shouldn't you be working jeffy? | <Sewerat> shouldn't you!!?'

<Apolon> Anyone wanna rip me a new one, in some D2?
<Arsentia> Well, since I've now been declared gay, I'd love to Apolon... :)

<LordDeath> Hello, my name is LordDeath. I work for the United States Department of Redundancy Department. I am working for the United States Government which is where I am currently employed. You may call me LordDeath.

<Dr_zapp> sek: you find the hex adress?
<Sekmu> yes.
<Dr_zapp> and it is....?
*** Quits: Paco- ( *
*** Quits: Nytefall ( *
*** Quits: PyroGX ( *
*** Quits: liljerk ( *
*** Quits: Karash ( *
*** Quits: _Ender_ ( *
*** Quits: PyroPimp ( *
*** Quits: Sekmu ( *
<Arsentia> This is like when the informer is about to tell the detective the identity of the murderer, and then he gets shot. :)

<Prescienc> I listed Quake (CTF/TF) as one of my favorite games
<vizor> we forgive you :)

<Sewerat> that would be an awesome soup flavor "Campbell's Chicken Fricken Noodle"

<Birdseye> FPS = Funky Panda Sex?
<EgaD> uhh... sorry, but no.
<Birdseye> Hmm
<Birdseye> I must be doing it wrong then.

<Sewerat> DOS :) Descent Operating System

<Sewerat> OpenGL, Glide and Direct3D will be supported
<[Toby]> Ah, cool.
<Arsentia> Oooh. It's like a holy trinity of acceleration...

some of those quotes are over 6 years old.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:13 am
by Ferno
I'm suprised you still have the roffle quotes Solid.

Also, roffle was the first NHB room.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:16 am
by Sirius
I can tell. D3 dev chats... that's going back a -while-.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:19 am
by SolidAir
those werent devchats, just jeff and kevin always hanging out there (in #300baud at the time)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:07 pm
by MD-2389
Xciter: Go ahead an install the board mod. I'm not worried about it breaking anything.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:10 pm
by AceCombat
Drakona wrote:AceCombat: Now, if we just talk this over calmly, I'm sure we can work things out.

woodchip wrote:Ace: I just want to pick you up and hold you

Cat: Be gentle

Gooberman wrote:AceCombat: heh

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:50 pm
by Clayman
AceCombat: Guys, look, the paramount issue is to make the facts clear in the matter and keep a calm, clear mind.

bet51987: Ok, Ingus wins, I'll start playing Bill The Cat, Pulling Teeth and Moria from now on instead of Subway.

Drakona: HEH!

Hostile: I love Crown, I really do, honestly.

Infamous Ingus: Ingus just got run out by a bunch of newbs in Abend. Ingus is sick of this, he's going back to UT.

Jesus Freak: Dial-up connects aren't all that bad, I'm content with mine.

Krom: ATI Radeon, is that some new kind of mouse software?

Kurupt: Sorry guys, I'll bet that's really funny, but I now have pornographic sites blocked on my computer.

Lothar: I'm sorry, but I just can't think of anything left to respond to those statements with.

Mobius: Let's leave science and the correctness of facts out for now.

Sergeant Thorne: Oh, that's from The Matrix? I didn't know that.

Spaceboy: I don't understand why people feel the need to spam so much.

Vander: Frankly, I'll never understand the logic behind Kerry's policies either.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:28 pm
by AceCombat
Clayman wrote:AceCombat: Guys, look, the paramount issue is to make the facts clear in the matter and keep a calm, clear mind.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:33 pm
by Mobius
Dedman: You are right. I am wrong. ;)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:33 pm
by Bet51987
Gooberman wrote:MD-2389: Thread re-opened
Xciter: I think we are too strict here
Stresstest: I am a bandwidth philanthropist
Lothar: **** Jesus
bet51987: I am the_Cops
theCops: I am not bet54987
Vlider: **** Ingus
AceCombat: heh
Ferno: Drugs are bad
Hostile: Rox hax
Krom: I don't know what that does.
Roid: I don't drink anything with caffeen in it.
Kurupt: I am getting married. <3
Redbone: gg
woodchip: I joined Peta

:) <3
I know some don't think I'm real, and I've learned to laugh at it now..... :x , but saying I'm "THECOPS" you think he plays that bad? :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:00 pm
by SolidAir
I know some don't think I'm real

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:17 pm
by Beowulf
Kurupt: I'm heterosexual
TheCops: I never touch myself in the shower...or in public.