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Radeon fixes, anyone know a good driver?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:39 pm
by Frosty5F11
I have a Radeon 9800 pro, and it has that gamma resetting problem in d3, anyone know how to fix that?
maybe some special drivers?
I heared they are totally redoing their opengl drivers, hopefully that will fix it. but until then...
I had gotten a link to a fix you could do in the sys registry, but that don't work.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:48 pm
by Teddy
I heared they are totally redoing their opengl drivers.
I wouldn't hold my breath on this one....this was said when i first bought my 97009lets see, how long has the 9700 been out???), i waited over a year and finally sold it about 6 or 7 months ago when each driver for it seemed to only get worse.

Back when i had my 9700 the only fix i knew about was the regestry tweak...which didnt work for me eather.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:09 pm
by Iceman
Go to the "Color" tab in the advanced settings. Click on the "Full Screen 3D" option then nudge the gamma up a little bit. Once I did this, the problem went away for me.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:44 am
by Deadmeat
You're exactly right Iceman, but I've found with the latest OMEGA drivers that problem has gone away.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:10 pm
by Frosty5F11
Deadmeat wrote:You're exactly right Iceman, but I've found with the latest OMEGA drivers that problem has gone away.
I just found drivers called DNA drivers for the radeon series and you can choose different drivers for opengl, optimized for different games, I chose halflife since it was the closest one to the age of Descent 3. cleared the problem but there was a problem with the main menu not showing up right after you start a game, and also 1600x1200 won't work!
I'll try some different configurations I guess.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:12 pm
by kurupt

the older games opengl settings worked when i tried them. i dont play d3 enough to warrant using that particular opengl driver though. i just run d3 in direct3d when i wanna play it. if you have a 9800 pro you can easily pull that off too without getting the "d3 sucks in direct3d" thing.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:09 pm
by woodchip
I dunno...I have the 9700 and with the current catylist drivers with the winxp pro os, I haven't run into any problems playing.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:52 am
by Max_T
new beta 4.12s r the best drivers yet...i suggest you try those out, or wait until omega releases his version of 4.12s beta.

and Teddy, enough already, jeez...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:54 am
by Frosty5F11
kurupt wrote:if you have a 9800 pro you can easily pull that off too without getting the "d3 sucks in direct3d" thing.
hmmmmm, I have the problem with direct 3d sucking in d3, it runs fine til you shoot, I'm guessing it's a sound glitch.
I'll try the beta 4.12's then try omega.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:32 am
by SkyNet
I have a Radeon 9600 and I have this gamma issue to. However for me it's a simple fix, but it has to be done with each game :-(

When the game starts hit F2 to bring up the menu, and goto your gamma options, and bump it up a click hit apply, then bump it back down, and hit apply again. Should clear it up for the current session. Next game though....has to be done again.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:30 am
by Frosty5F11
well yeah, but that's irritating and sometimes it would just go back to dark for no reason.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:16 pm
by kurupt
i have a 9800 pro and i push 1000 fps in d3 in opengl. in d3d its not quite as high, but its well beyond playable. its 500+ which should do you just fine. no glitches either, which is the nice thing :D

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:32 am
by Frosty5F11
what are your specs, what drivers you using?