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Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:34 am
by []V[]essenjah

For all those who said that HL2 would get a movie first.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA :D

The only problem is why did they choose Alex Garland to write the screenplay?

Why not Eric Nylund? Everyone loved the way he portrayed the story and most seem to agree that he was the best out of the two writers who wrote the thee novels. I would really like him to make a screenplay of The Fall Of Reach before Halo personally. Then it would be a really good visual representation of that particular novel. Why choose some fairly obscure author (at least in the world of Halo) to write the screenplay? Why not someone who actually helped in improving the franchise?

Sadly this could be the fall of Halo too if they do a crappy job like they have done on most video game to screenplay attempts. I think it could be really done well with the right cast, the right director, and Eric Nylund as the writer. I just want to see Microsoft and Bungie gobble up EA >:)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:01 am
by Jon the Great
This could either be quite cool or really really bad.
Experience favors the later. ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:11 am
by []V[]essenjah
Exactly my feelings on it too. At the same time that I am excited I also strangly feel dissapointed knowing much most video game based movies usually suck.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:26 am
by fliptw
Garland has provided a screenplay for a movie, and has an IMDB entry reflecting that, Nylund doesn't.

Makes it easier for MS to sell the script to studios, even tho they can easily poney up the cash to do it themselves.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:31 am
by Gooberman
From, posted Today.
I heard Uwe Boll was directing Halo the movie and it was going to star the Taco Bell dog and Paulie Shore. IS THIS TRUE?

Well, the statement above does sound like an "interesting" project, but as ever, if you didn't hear it officially from Microsoft or Bungie Studios, you didn't hear it confirmed. This is Microsoft's official line on the existence or non-existence of a Halo movie:

"Halo is one of the most sought after properties and since the November launch of Halo 2, the interest level has exploded. Halo 2 has now sold more than 6.4 million copies worldwide, bringing the entire Halo franchise to a collective 12.8 million units in just three yearsâ?? time. We have not, however, made any official movie announcements."

Is that ambiguous PR talk for, "We haven't announced nothin'?" Yes! Why yes it is!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:54 am
by DCrazy
Dear God, Uwe Boll would be the death knell of the Halo franchise.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:07 am
by []V[]essenjah
LOL, I actually read that article some time ago. Just after Halo 2 came out they made that very same statement. However, if you run a Google search a number of websites state that the screenplay IS being written. This doesn't necessarily imply that the movie is being made. Just the script is being written.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:08 am
by Vertigo 99
wow, a video game with one of the worse single player campaigns of all time is going to make one of the worse movies of all time.

*yawn* nothing new

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:51 am
by []V[]essenjah
Heh, at least it was better than Half Life 2 or Doom 3. (played Doom 3 demo and it was stupid as usual).

KOTOR ownz them all though. But there will never be a KOTOR movie :
Sure, the physics weren't great, the graphics weren't great, but the gameplay was great. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:40 am
by Tyranny
A Halo movie would be kind of silly if you ask me. We already know how much you like it messenger but frankly Halo's popularity has been a direct result of its multiplayer appeal. Not it's story. Ok, so there are a few books to help flesh out the story a bit, thats kind of my point. Red vs Blue also further illustrates my point on Halo's usefulness.

Half-Life on the other hand already stands on its own. Good character development and great story. If it wasn't for the success of CS everyone would remember HL and HL2 for those things and it's single-player experience which carried its own weight.

and before you call me biased I'll let you in on a little secret. I played Halo through the first mission and haven't played it since. Everyone I've ever known off-line and on-line loved it for its multiplayer. Since I'm not a big multi guy, cept for my descent playing days and what with my dislike for the xbox, I couldn't really get into it. Half-Life I played through the final missions and got bored with it too. However the character interaction and the ambience were second to none at the time. I have yet to play HL2 beyond the demo. Either way I haven't come across another game that is quite like Half-Life.

So...before you get your hopes up about a screenplay being in the works. Just remember that sometimes it never pans out and other times it takes horrendously long to finally develop the movie. Sometimes by then the interest isn't what it used to be. Most movies go through a few screenplays before they finally settle on one anyways. Besides, HL doesn't really need a screenplay, everything you need is already in the game ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:43 am
by BigSlideHimself
Most videogame writers are Hollywood flunkies or just never had what it took to begin with. So when you take the concept of a 3rd tier writer, and 'adapt' it, what do you think you're going to get?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:50 am
by Tyranny
porn? :P

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:04 am
by Vertigo 99
lol, even though tyranny was joking, he's right.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:33 am
by []V[]essenjah
Actually, if you call playing through only the first level of the game not being biased... you are totally wrong. You didn't even get to any of the good stuff. :) The first level was simply an introduction and sets the story. In other words you never even managed to get to play on Halo itself.

You also claim the story sucked. Well it did well for 3 novels.

Actually over in Idaho Halo is extremely popular and we do not just play it because of the multi. Most I know love the co-op action and single player game. Sure multi is pretty fun but the single player is what holds it all together. :) Multi was pretty fun but I always enjoyed single by a long shot over multi. I considered the story as good as any SW or ST movie. :) The books were a lot more interesting than any SW novel I read.

Yes, I played both Halo and HL2 all the way through. The only thing I think would make HL2 cool are mods and possibly multi if I could even play it!!

Actually I don't really want them to make a movie directly after the game. What I am hoping they do is actually make a movie about "The Fall Of Reach." That would make a most excellent movie. That book had me captivated every second. The Flood was ok but not great. But as I understand First Strike is supposed to be the best novel and it was written by the same guy who wrote "The Fall Of Reach."

I don't think Halo was the best game ever but I do really enjoy it for an FPS game. I thought in the area of being a fun game, it was much more fun than HL2 or Doom 3 anyday and yes, I have played HL2 all the way through!

KOTOR and many other games own all 3 but I still think that if done right, they could make a very good movie out of the Halo novels. :)

You also hate X-Box... thus your answer heh. When will people learn that they are two different worlds? People buy them for different reasons.

Actually the only game I would really like to see made into a movie over Halo is Descent as long as Telep didn't write it (never liked his novels although he did a good job on Space: Above And Beyond).

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:36 am
by []V[]essenjah
BigSlideHimself wrote:Most videogame writers are Hollywood flunkies or just never had what it took to begin with. So when you take the concept of a 3rd tier writer, and 'adapt' it, what do you think you're going to get?

Tom Clancy?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:17 am
by Tyranny
Didn't really need to play more. The weapons and enemies were very cartoonish to begin with. I couldn't figure out if I was shooting lasers or paint. :P

Trust me, I know you'll defend Halo because you enjoyed it that much but the cold hard fact is the national appeal of Halo is solely based on multiplayer. Its nice people in Idaho enjoyed it for the story and co-op. Good for you :P

I'm still not quite sure how you tend to like things with little to no substance and yet somehow dislike the things that are vastly better. We all have our own opinions though. Anyways, hope if they do make a Halo movie they do it justice for your sake :P

Re: Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:05 am
by Vlider
mob-messenger wrote:The only problem is why did they choose Alex Garland to write the screenplay?

Why not Eric Nylund?

writing a novel and writing a screenplay are two different arts.

novel writers have the advantage of revealing a character's thoughts and other background history and the type of person they are etc....

screenwriters cant do that. you can only write what the character can see,hear, or touch. Can't write what a character is thinking because the "audience can read minds.

novels would take forever if transferred completely from book to screen.

hollywood just wants something squeezed into a 2 hour film so they can show it a ton during the day.

Re: Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:07 am
by Vlider

Re: Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:08 am
by Vlider
burp the sequel

Re: Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:11 am
by []V[]essenjah
Vlider wrote: novels would take forever if transferred completely from book to

What about Harry Potter or LOTR? :)

Of Mice and Men. The Odysee?

Not to mention a number of Tom Clancy novels became movies such as "The Hunt For Red October" or "Sum Of All Fears."

The Secrete Garden

BTW, these are all films I enjoyed. :)

All good examples of novel to movie conversions. :)

Sure they can change a few things here and there to make up for thoughts. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:38 am
by []V[]essenjah
Tyranny wrote:Didn't really need to play more.
Tyranny wrote:I'm still not quite sure how you tend to like things with little to no substance and yet somehow dislike the things that are vastly better.
Maybe because I delve deep enough into them to see the entire story and how every detail comes together nicely.

The only thing I saw that I really thought was cool about HL2 were the physics and graphics. The story and gameplay weren't as fun though. The character presentation really wasn't any more impressive than Dues Ex. Ever play that? They are portrayed just as well as in HL2. Play it and then HL2, and see for yourself. It is an interesting way to do it though, I will admit. I would rather play KOTOR or Dues Ex anyday over HL2 though.

Not to mention KOTOR has 60+ hours of gameplay. KOTOR 2 has 40+ hours of gameplay. Not sure how many Dues Ex has but I still haven't finished it and it takes weeks to get through. At least the way I play it.

HL2 took maybe a day or so to pass where KOTOR and Dues Ex took me weeks.

Halo didn't do this but I still found the gameplay much more fun that HL2. No where near as good as Dues Ex or KOTOR by all means but I prefered it over HL2. :)

LOTR was good but I thought it was good as an action movie.

For storyline and imagination, I thought the story behind Troy had a lot more value to me as well as the film itself. It hit many more interesting emotional experiences than say a movie like LOTR did.

I felt as a movie, LOTR was a good action flick but if I were to go see an action flick, I would see something like ID4 being that I really don't like fantasy movies, period. Troy being an acception to this because it was presented in a very realistic fashion. I also felt it had much more emotional depth to it. Same with the film, "The Last Samauri".

Perhaps the novels are different though, thus when I get time, I will read through them. (well if I don't fall asleep every time I open the book :\) Perhaps they hit some emotional depth with the characters thought that wasn't portrayed in the movie or was never really felt by me.

HL2 was a great presentation of technology in video game technology where Halo was a good presentation of really fun gameplay and an interesting storyline.

HL2 I guess was too much of another FPS zombie shoot-em up where Halo was different.

To be honest when I played Halo at first, I saw the aliens as cartoony but that is half the fun! I laugh my butt off after sticking a grenade on a grunt or sneak attacking a whole platoon of sleepers. :) Or getting a hunter to chase me as a dodge it and it flies off the edge of a cliff. :) It is FUN and not just another shoot the zombie and win game. I looked at the aliens as semi-humor/tough villian.

Sure, the graphics weren't as great and the physics weren't as realistic but THEY WERE FUN! :D Perhaps not less content but different content. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:39 am
by Tyranny
I think that is where you're missing my point, heh. Halo is the more typical FPS game, aside from the vehicle usage. Half-Life introduced a character driven storyline with situational interaction between virtually everything. This was expanded upon in Half-Life2. No other FPS game on the PC or console had that at the time. Do you not see that?

As much as everyone raved about Halo, I think the reason I was disapointed the first time I played it was because most of what I was seeing had already been Half-Life. Anyways, lets not get into a LOTR convo, I've already biatch slapped you upside the head twice now about LOTR.

You're like talking to a brick wall. Thats a good thing though. Don't ever let other people tell you what you should or shouldn't enjoy.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:05 pm
by Beowulf
I think the Halo games are two of my favorite games of all time, but I have to agree that the story line is kinda stock. Stock rambo-type hero, wise-azz sidekick, overwhelming alien foes (essentially the convenant and the flood are Starcraft's Protoss and Zerg). The only thing that makes this story ANY different than any other aliens vs humans story is that instead of a planet, it takes place on a giant ring. ...Whoo?

I've played HL and HL2, and I like em, but I really do like Halo better. But as far as storyline...well, I gotta hand it to Half-Life.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:26 pm
by Vertigo 99
lol. i don't know why we argue about this, because everywhere except idaho knows that hl2 simply has a better storyline.

i guess if you like generic storylines a lot, stick with halo 2. the halo guy is possibly the least interesting character, ever. but, to each his own.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:32 pm
by Skyalmian

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:42 pm
by Nightshade
Halo = Garbage.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:02 pm
by Gooberman
lol. i don't know why we argue about this, because everywhere except idaho knows that hl2 simply has a better storyline.
I don't know why we argue about something that just depends on someones taste. :P It's a story, you can like one better then the other, but no one can say one is better then the other.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:09 pm
by Sage
Video game movies suck.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:11 pm
by Mobius
This movie will be about as thrilling as a Descent movie. i.e. NOT AT ALL.

Re: Halo the movie screenplay in the works!! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:36 pm
by Vlider
mob-messenger wrote:
Vlider wrote: novels would take forever if transferred completely from book to

What about Harry Potter or LOTR? :)

Of Mice and Men. The Odysee?

Not to mention a number of Tom Clancy novels became movies such as "The Hunt For Red October" or "Sum Of All Fears."

The Secrete Garden

BTW, these are all films I enjoyed. :)

All good examples of novel to movie conversions. :)

Sure they can change a few things here and there to make up for thoughts. :)
yep and in all of those novels A TON of things were left out.

Especially LOTR. they left out a lot, took dialogue from one character and gave it to another, cut out a gangload of the singing...

the good thing for LOTR was peter jackson was a big fan of it. so he didn't drop the ball when it came to converting it.

just as if there were a descent movie... we the players would make a better movie compared to just hiring some screenwriter from hollywoo because we're more connected...

so if someone that developed the plot of halo the games gets some type of creative control than things may be good...

look a Doom3, now its in production as a movie and instead of keeping an original plot such has demons coming through a portal on mars... hollywood has turned it into another "Aliens" with marines on a remote planet battling some "aliens that have infested the base"

no matter the quality of a novel or game it can be facked up by hollywood in the end.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:35 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Tyranny wrote:I think that is where you're missing my point, heh. Halo is the more typical FPS game, aside from the vehicle usage. Half-Life introduced a character driven storyline with situational interaction between virtually everything. This was expanded upon in Half-Life2. No other FPS game on the PC or console had that at the time. Do you not see that?

Really good thing you put a question mark there are you would get slapped upside the head LOL :)

Dues Ex. :) You could interact with characters probably more so than HL2.

Beowulf wrote:I think the Halo games are two of my favorite games of all time, but I have to agree that the story line is kinda stock. Stock rambo-type hero
HL2 guy was a rambo-like character. He runs around kicking alien azz too. Only difference is he has glasses so he looks a tad bit more like a nerd-rambo :D

You guys are calling this a generic storyline with generic bad guys. Well, what about these characters:

The Flood
The mysterious character floating around below halo's surface that hacked into Cortana's AI somehow and almost killed Master Chief and the Arbiter.
The Arbiter
343 Guilty Spark

I don't really remember a game actually showing the enemies side of the story and having the enemy and the humans join together to fight a bigger common enemy? Perhaps in Freespace 1 but that was a space fighting game. :)

Each had different views on the war and it explained their side of things.

I'm still trying to figure out what the point of HL2's story was? I played it all the way through and still couldn't figure out why they put me there. Basically you get stuck on this train going to some kind of prison camp in city 17 after the aliens take over, you stir up trouble, kill a massive ammount of guards, a bunch of zombies, go find the bearded guy who captures your girl and the scientist guy that stole your suit. You go fight the big bad bearded guy who knew you and is helping the aliens and the city gets wiped out and you get transported to another time.... the end? This after what 5 years of waiting? They should have reveiled a lot more than that to catch my interest. They keep talking about how your character is smart because he has a PHD. It doesn't take a PHD to stack bricks so that you can step over them to get to the next area. Never really saw any need for this guy to have a PHD really. Why didn't he use the PHD to climb of the side of the wall and save himself time? :D I'd also use that same PHD to turn on my flashlight in the big black room and go kick Mr. Nerdman's errr I mean G-Man's azz! ;)

Sure HL2 had an interesting plot but I really couldn't find myself getting attatched to any of the characters. I guess it's just a matter of taste. :)

But you guys are probably right that most writers could probably create a better plot with their left hand.

And Vlider, if I remember correctly, some of those novel-to-movies were pretty big hits. :)

As for the statement about Idaho and everyone else liking Half Life 2 better.... I wouldn't bet on that. Idaho isn't that bad, technology-wise. If you are in the right spots. I live in a small town, thus my reason for not having cable or DSL. The majority of even smaller towns actually have it. So, the majority of Descent fans prefer Half-Life 2. There aren't really that many Descent fans left out there.

Anyway, enough blabbing from me. I just like Halo more than HL2 because I felt like HL2 was pointless. That's all. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:37 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Tyranny wrote:I think that is where you're missing my point, heh. Halo is the more typical FPS game, aside from the vehicle usage. Half-Life introduced a character driven storyline with situational interaction between virtually everything. This was expanded upon in Half-Life2. No other FPS game on the PC or console had that at the time. Do you not see that?

Really good thing you put a question mark there are you would get slapped upside the head LOL :)

Dues Ex. :) You could interact with characters probably more so than HL2.

Beowulf wrote:I think the Halo games are two of my favorite games of all time, but I have to agree that the story line is kinda stock. Stock rambo-type hero
HL2 guy was a rambo-like character. He runs around kicking alien azz too. Only difference is he has glasses so he looks a tad bit more like a nerd-rambo :D

You guys are calling this a generic storyline with generic bad guys. Well, what about these characters:

The Flood
The mysterious character floating around below halo's surface that hacked into Cortana's AI somehow and almost killed Master Chief and the Arbiter.
The Arbiter
343 Guilty Spark

I don't really remember a game actually showing the enemies side of the story and having the enemy and the humans join together to fight a bigger common enemy? Perhaps in Freespace 1 but that was a space fighting game. :)

Each had different views on the war and it explained their side of things.

I'm still trying to figure out what the point of HL2's story was? I played it all the way through and still couldn't figure out why they put me there. Basically you get stuck on this train going to some kind of prison camp in city 17 after the aliens take over, you stir up trouble, kill a massive ammount of guards, a bunch of zombies, go find the bearded guy who captures your girl and the scientist guy that stole your suit. You go fight the big bad bearded guy who knew you and is helping the aliens and the city gets wiped out and you get transported to another time.... the end? This after what 5 years of waiting? They should have reveiled a lot more than that to catch my interest. They keep talking about how your character is smart because he has a PHD. It doesn't take a PHD to stack bricks so that you can step over them to get to the next area. Never really saw any need for this guy to have a PHD really. Why didn't he use the PHD to climb of the side of the wall and save himself time? :D I'd also use that same PHD to turn on my flashlight in the big black room and go kick Mr. Nerdman's errr I mean G-Man's azz! ;)

Sure HL2 had an interesting plot but I really couldn't find myself getting attatched to any of the characters. I guess it's just a matter of taste. :)

But you guys are probably right that most writers could probably create a better plot with their left hand.

And Vlider, if I remember correctly, some of those novel-to-movies were pretty big hits. :)

As for the statement about Idaho and everyone else liking Half Life 2 better.... I wouldn't bet on that. Idaho isn't that bad, technology-wise. If you are in the right spots. I live in a small town, thus my reason for not having cable or DSL. The majority of even smaller towns actually have it. So, the majority of Descent fans prefer Half-Life 2. There aren't really that many Descent fans left out there.

Anyway, enough blabbing from me. I just like Halo more than HL2 because I felt like HL2 was pointless. That's all. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:39 pm
by Lothar
and you liked it so much, you had to tell us a second time! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:51 pm
by Vertigo 99
I don't really remember a game actually showing the enemies side of the story and having the enemy and the humans join together to fight a bigger common enemy? Perhaps in Freespace 1 but that was a space fighting game. Smile

Each had different views on the war and it explained their side of things.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:52 pm
by Vertigo 99
burpity-burp, teh forums are dieing

btw, mobi, go read the link posted with half-life's story, i think you might be missing upon a lot.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:37 pm
by Stryker
Starcraft... fun game.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:38 pm
by Tyranny

Deus Ex was released on June 22nd, 2000. Half-Life came out on November 19th, 1998. If what you say is true Deus Ex only expanded on what Half-Life set a standard for. Which also puts it right next to Halo in that regard.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:55 pm
by fliptw
messenger needs to learn what "tail wagging the dog" means.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:04 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Yeah, so is Warcraft but those are stratagie games. Not the same thing as FPS :)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:44 pm
by []V[]essenjah
Ooooh so your dissing Dues Ex too? Hmmmm.... Dues Ex was also a far better game that HL2 could ever pretend to be. :D

Not to mention, in Dues Ex, you can modify every aspect of the character, the physics are pretty close to how they perform in HL2, you can modify weapons, you have choices as to how you answere a question or as to what questions you ask... you can choose what weapons you carry with you, you can add implants to change your performance, train your character so that he fights exactly the way you want him to fight....

It also provides weeks of entertainment as aposed to the few hours of semi-fun gameplay HL2 ever even dreamed of getting close to.

Dues Ex is much more than an FPS game, it is an exploring game and a role playing game as well. :)

Not to mention hours and hours and hours of storyline and conspiracies. :D

I wouldn't talk crap about Dues Ex. 2 you can talk crap about because it isn't even close the the same game.