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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:44 pm
by pipsqueak10
Never really learned how to use this program in D3Edit. Any instructions available on how to use the program? Can't find any kind of help file for it.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:12 am
by Robo
Its very simple really. I'll guide you through the extreme basics of it. (I'm in a rush to get out to work)

(Excuse the images, mods :P)

Firstly, to keep all of your different levels separate from each other you can create Profiles. The default profile in quicktest will not let you no anything, so create a new profile by clicking on the New.. button. Enter in any name you click and click OK.


In the image below I've defined some of the things present on the toolbar. Enter in an MN3 name firstly, then add your D3L into the "Files" box. Give your mission a name, and your done.


Hit "Quicktest" and your in business :)

I'll make a tut on this when I get home, that'll be much better.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:57 am
by pipsqueak10
A tut would be great. Very helpful. Thanks.