D2: CTF level revamped
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:50 am
I have revamped my recently built CTF level "With Flying Colors" for D2: It has new flag rooms and some minor improvements and fixes. See my Descent Site, multiplayer section.
The level is symmetrical, big enough for 8 players and has numerous accesses to the flag rooms. There are only two choke points though, so while there are enough ways to sneak into the enemy's flag room, there is still a good chance to stop the thief.
It's a bit heavy on the architectural side, but that should be none of a problem with today's hardware and one of the D2X program versions.

The level is symmetrical, big enough for 8 players and has numerous accesses to the flag rooms. There are only two choke points though, so while there are enough ways to sneak into the enemy's flag room, there is still a good chance to stop the thief.

It's a bit heavy on the architectural side, but that should be none of a problem with today's hardware and one of the D2X program versions.