wtf. i'm sure i've been in this situation before.One day I noticed something peculiar...his hair. Apparently, he wanted cornrows. But of course, he doesn't have the hair for cornrows
(but i am a little drinky, i read while i'm drinking, shutups)
a link from the DBB, concerning japan perhaps, and there was something about corn in a latter page of it.
deja vu extremeo
and i don't even know what cornrows are. some wigger thing no doubt. hey i just realised something, the only proper niggers (omg i said niggers) are in america, and they hate being identified. wtf you guys suck.
put a stop to the exports ppl PLS!, wiggers are jerks around here. can't you stop the whole thing?!@!?@ youy guys are at the source... i learnt howto spell source from a friendly linux guy who kept thinking i was about sores.
you don't see me teaching ppl howto be all Steve Erwin. CAN'T YOU GUYS DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE WIGGER SITAUATIOAN?@!#@ thrawn gimme some hope mate (who else here is ameri-notwhite).
wtfg is niggers anyway, did all black ppl in america come from Nigeria? get a grip, i demand to have easily dispensed equal racial hatred for ALL AMERICANS
this whole "★■◆●" thing is an inability for america to move past it's own borders. i don't ★■◆●ing care what horrible term you avoid in your own country.
THE RULE OF EARTH IS THAT ONCE YOU LEAVE YOUR ENEMY BEHIND AT YOUR HOME COUNTRY, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY OVER IT. welcome to earth, we make fun of everything, GET THE COTTON OUTA YOUR ASS, everyone's had a bad time here on earth. get over yourself fuckiing prudes.
you have no enemys out here, you know, "EARTH".
those idiots who don't know, i am not american. i don't CARE what your stupid terms are over there, slavery of africans didn't happen here. i think we enslaved some aboriginals but they probalalbly kicked our asses, anyway we're all cool now or something. (i dunno mate, read our history books, get lost)
you have to realise that outside of america, if it wasn't for ameri-spew-media we wouldn't even KNOW wtf the term ★■◆● even was. when you leave your own borders you leave your country's history behind. if you don't realise this then you are full of yourself and i will punch you in teh something - you really think earth cares? bwahahahahahahaha. get over yourslef, i don't care your people were enslaved anymore than you care about my family history of male emotional unavailablity caused from teh first and then second world war. as soon as i leave my family, IT'S ★■◆●ing FUNNY TO TALK ABOUT!!!
over IM i was talking to this american chick, she was black, and i was chatting about how she treats the term ★■◆●, goddadmn she was getting all upppity about it and sayuing how it's hurtful and stuff. frankly she was too narrow minded too leave her nest.
she knew very well that i lived thousands of yarnballs away across oceans and universes and stuff over here in austrailaasia - where we don't care. and the thing is, it's not in australia we don't care. it's the whole of EARTH that doesn't care, and you should ★■◆●ing know that, it should be ingrained into your psyche in teh lesson of "how big a culture can possibly be". the answer is: no, it's not that big. i don't think you're cool. i have no sympathy, it's unwarrented. we laugh at that out here.
theer's just this form of hummungous NIEVITY you would have to have about this planet we live on, to think that anyone beyond your own borders knows WTF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT when you talk of black slavery.
yeah... wow... that's really horrible buddy. pffffff hahahaa, you wank. look around... do you see any linchers here (earth)?
no (wtf is a lincher?)
and there never were any.
get over yoursevess
your world is bigger than you even thought it could be
as soon as you leave your own country, you leave behind everything, and you have to open yourself to the possability that ppl you meet will have no idea of the cultural stigmata you put on things.
you could embrace it like most earthlings do (take it in as a breath of fresh clean air, as if the whole thing never happened - coz no-one knows wtf you are talking about), or you could take offence - holding onto your old stigmata like a tatoo that you INSIST everyone take notice of and dance around eggshells coz we did bad things to you a few centuries ago. oh wait.... hahah I'M NOT AMERICAN SO NO I DIDN'T IDIOT!!! what do you do... introduce yourself as:
"hi i'm alice... i come from a racist culture you don't understand where certain words are taken offence to, instead of adopting to the greater earth culture i will instead insist that you learn my entire country's history and treat me as damaged goods"
the internet not your country, it's earth bitches (mmmhoahahahaah).
"★■◆●" is funny.