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Pittsburgh Descent/Halo LAN Scheduling

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:45 pm
by Angel of Death
Since phpBB doesn't seem to allow for polls to be included in a reply, I'm starting a new topic for the purpose of determining the best weekend to hold this party. If you're asking yourself, "Party? What party??", then you need to take a look through the other thread. It can be found at

If any of you have been reserving your decision about attending, until you saw enough interest from others, now is the time to get involved. As more people post about going, others will do the same.

Once a date is set, I will start working on the following:

( 1 ) Setting up a way for every one to pre-register/pre-pay through paypal (including any credit cards that they accept) at (I'll provide exact location on the site, once it is available).
( 2 ) Advertising the event on sites that are set up for the purpose, such as
( 3 ) Local print advertising
( 4 ) Asking about suggestions for other free/inexpensive forms of advertisement.
( 5 ) Deciding which place to rent, based on number of people to register, electrical capacity, cost, convenience, etc.
( 6 ) Buying any extra equipment needed
( 7 ) Testing said eqipment, thoroughly
( 8 ) Looking for a couple of experienced people to help me (DarkShadow, you're already counted) with set-up/tear down, etc., in exchange for a decreased entrance fee (I'll consider other arrangements).
( 9 ) Practicing some Descent 3, on the off-chance that I might actually get to play, a little bit :o

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:02 pm
by Jesus Freak
I chose the June date because all my AP exams run up through May 9th or so, then most of my projects finish up by the end of May, leaving June as a slack off month. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:45 pm
by Genghis
All my weekends are booked up until mid-July. But I'm not a definite in any case, so don't shift it on my account.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:22 pm
by Cuda68-2
So long as I have a few weeks notice of the event I am there.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:26 am
by WarAdvocat

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:04 am
by Angel of Death
Thanks to those who have already submitted their votes :) My goal is to have a set date by Sunday, March 20th, so that I can start on the rest of the work. So, if you're planning to attend, please try to have your vote cast by that Sunday.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:27 pm
by Angel of Death
Wow...I'm disappointed in the number of votes :?

I thought there were, at least, a dozen pilots who wanted to come. What happened...? Are Descent LANs just a thing of the past? Were the dates inconvenient for too many people? ...or is it some thing that I'm doing?

All I can say, at this point, is that it would be helpful to see more votes. Even if you're not 100% certain that you can attend, voting for the weekend that is most likely to work for you will mean the best chance of this event happening.

I'm still going to begin advertising (in other forums and locally) for the weekend that gets the most votes, but I truly believe that this is the heart of the community. If there aren't enough motivated players here, then where...?

To be fair to those who do/will plan to be a part of this, I will make a final decision, to go ahead or cancel, by the first week of April. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks, again, to those who have voted. Let's make this happen :)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:01 pm
by Angel of Death
The date is set for the LightningLAN Descent3/Halo Event.

June 4 & 5, 2005.

Pre-registration starts on March 28, 2005 at

Updates will be posted at