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D3Edit Tutorials Are Here!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:11 pm
by schplurg
Hello folks

The D3 Editing tutorials from are now available.

The URL:

or go to and follow the link.

These should be all of the tutorials from the old website. Although some links/images not related to the tutorials are now dead, the tutorials themselves should all be functional.

I did notice that some of the links to downloadable files used in the tuts are bad, but I suppose I can fix those soon. They still refer to the old address...

Anyways, lemme know if they're working okay. You can email me using the form linked on the homepage.

Hope this helps.

- schplurg

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:03 am
by Robo
Fantastic :D

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:17 pm
by pipsqueak10
Ah, nothing like a little nostalgia, seeing all those tuts again! :)