Prescriptions for vitamins.
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:10 am
The Internet wrote:Showdown on CAFTA
We have railed repeated against CAFTA ever since before NAFTA was passed because common sense says it's bad legislation. Say what you will about Ross Perot, his prediction that the "Big sucking sound you hear after NAFTA" would be American jobs leaving the country. He was precisely right. Any any of the hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their middle class jobs to third world and they'll tell you Perot was right. Not that what the people want really matters - this is about money. Corporate money, and gobs of it.
In the next day or two, this jobjacking masterpiece CAFTA will come up for a vote in the House but we are afraid that it will be passed because of all the corporate grease involved. In case you have been asleep, CAFTA would do two very bad things: First, it would export more American jobs to Central America, promoting corporate interests who want to pay workers less but doing so under the dishonest guise of "free trade". The second thing it would do is restrict our access to high potency vitamins because of the industry backed codex rider that's included.
The Internet again wrote:CAFTA: The Midnight Squeaker
We can only sadly report, "We told you so." The so-called Central America Free Trade Agreement, which sounds pretty innocuous on the surface, but isn't beneath, was passed by Congress last night. The bare facts from Business Week's report sound pretty safe, Fox coverage, at least in part pictured this as a battle over sugar interests, which it may have been, but only in part. Elsewhere, we read about White House lobbying to obtain the two vote margin.
The real story, as we have been pointing out is not about sugar, or free trade for that matter. This is about corporate imperialism and the battle for consumer markets at its worst. We have to agreed with Congressman Ron Paul's assessment that:
Ron Paul wrote:The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote (and now approved - GU) on the Central American Free Trade Agreement in the next two weeks, and one little-known provision of the agreement desperately needs to be exposed to public view. CAFTA, like the World Trade Organization, may serve as a forum for restricting or even banning dietary supplements in the U.S.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission, organized by the United Nations in the 1960s, is charged with â??harmonizingâ?