my Asus P4P800-VM has suddenly started giving me very odd temperature readings. its claiming that my CPU is running a 82C @ Idle temp!
its also claiming that my case is @ 9C Ambeint. ive verified this through BIOS, SpeedFan 4.25, MBM 5330 and Asus Probe. all 4 applications are reading the exact same temperatures for each Winbond sensor.
do i need to be concerned? i know for a fact that my CPU is not hitting 82C, it wont even go above high 40's at full load for hours at a time. and my room is definately not 9C !
HDD's are still reading normal.
i just checked all 4 apps again........ now it says my Chassis Fan is reporting -11487 RPM. yup, you read right......
-11487 RPM