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Looking for Really Cool but cheap website for myself

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:46 pm
by Birdseye
Right now I have a terrible website, -- I am going to redo my album, the artwork, etc. but I want to pay a webdesigner to design my website (very small) to get it done right.

I just need a main page with a cool graphic, a bio page, and a download page.

This is a friend's webpage and I am basically looking for something on par with that.

I am actually mostly interested in a good graphic artist, as I think I can handle most webpage duties. I am willing to pay a fair rate but I do not have a lot of cash. However if the rest of the design can be done for not a big expense I would pay for that.

Email me brian AT brianenglish DOT com if you have a serious offer or post in this thread with some of your work... thanks!!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:46 am
by Richard Cranium
If you want really cheap you could just put up a page that says 'Hello World' on one of those free services and they will do the rest for you. (pop-up, ads, you name it)