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Too much time to.... Christmas lights
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:17 pm
by Richard Cranium
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:33 pm
by MD-2389
Thats just neat!
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:43 pm
by Ferno
very cool.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:33 pm
by XSabre
That is awesome.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:38 pm
by TigerRaptor
That would keep me up all night. Cool though.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:12 pm
by Topher
Part of me wonders if that's real or just some clever video editing.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:27 pm
by Robo
Hahah, that's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:41 pm
by woodchip
Amazingly creative. A+
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:48 pm
by Iceman
Agreed A+
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:16 pm
by Battlebot
can you really program xmas lights like that?
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:30 pm
by Mobius
However, that is positively insane!
You Americans sure do believe if something's worth doing, it's worth over doing!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:59 pm
by Vertigo 99
i was wondering if it was a video edit or not as well.
whether or not its edited, its still awesome.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:19 pm
by Richard Cranium
Vertigo 99 wrote:i was wondering if it was a video edit or not as well.
whether or not its edited, its still awesome.
Well it made local news. It's hard to know for sure.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:26 pm
by Ferno
Mobius wrote:yes.
However, that is positively insane!
You Americans sure do believe if something's worth doing, it's worth over doing!

lol and this coming from someone who lives in a country where they invented fly by wire and bungee jumping..

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:50 pm
by MD-2389
Yeah, like I told RC over Teamspeak, it made local news here tonight.
We also had a small discussion on whether or not its an edit job (which I personally think it very likely is) or just an example of MIDI sequencing (which a prime example of are major fireworks displays on the 4th). (I'm not going to explain this, if you want to know
Google it.)
IF its an edit job, its a really good one. If not, good on them for rigging it!
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:58 pm
by fyrephlie
i can imagine an edit job taking near as much work to get right as just rigging the lights... impressive either way!
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:12 am
by TigerRaptor
Thereâ??s no way that can be an editing job. Any one who says other wise, prove it.
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:39 am
by fyrephlie
TigerRaptorFX wrote:Thereâ??s no way that can be an editing job. Any one who says other wise, prove it.
never say never man... i've seen some pretty impressive video. i don't think its likely that it is an edit job, and i would venture to say that if it was, it would have been someone not about to showcase their video prowess on local news...
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:59 am
20 bucks says he has a modded case too
Very cool.
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:24 am
by Pun
Isn't that your house, Bill?
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:20 am
by Duper
ahhhh the TransSiberian Orchestra.
Very cool .. wonder how long it took him to program all that.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:53 pm
by Boo
Hehe.. saw that yesterday. Those people must be pretty bored
(And I can picture some annoyed neighbors)
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:49 pm
by Money!
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:54 pm
by Nitrofox125
That would be an easy enough edit, just two layers of video, one with the lights on and one with the lights off, that you segment into each window/light strand, then fade between the two layers on each segment. But....
i can imagine an edit job taking near as much work to get right as just rigging the lights... impressive either way!
Nevertheless, looks real to me, and what an awesome idea

Good song too

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:38 pm
by Krom
Ok, I need to do that.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:39 pm
by snoopy
What a waste of time.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:03 pm
by Top Gun
snoopy wrote:What a waste of time.
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch...

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:54 pm
by Stryker
The shadowing and detail on these lights is WAY too complex to be an edit--if it WAS an edit, the people putting it together would have had to spend more time editing it than they would have spent simply putting the lights up and sequencing them via computer.
But yeah... methinks that this guy is A. hated by all his neighbors, B. living so far out that no one cares, or C. only puts on this show once, maybe twice per night and has the lights on regular duty the rest of the time.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:02 am
by Richard Cranium
Stryker wrote:methinks that this guy is A. hated by all his neighbors, B. living so far out that no one cares, or C. only puts on this show once, maybe twice per night and has the lights on regular duty the rest of the time.
Maybe all of the above.
/me secretly starts stock pilling light for me show
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:23 pm
by Richard Cranium
Ok, I found a little info on this light show but still don't know where it is. I haven't been able to confirm this information for its accuracy. It has 16,000 synchronized lights and is hanging off Carson Williamsâ?? house, who ever than is.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:37 pm
by Richard Cranium
this song isn't as good but here is another video of that same house.
Also found some other info about it.
and the hardware to run it...
his name is
Carson Williams of Mason, Ohio
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:37 pm
by KoolBear
sheese! I bet you hit it just perfect.
I turned the board on browsed to the forums listing and PRESTO ol'G had already made a post!
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:48 pm
by Richard Cranium
double post... first time it game me an error so I just reposted it and it game me an error the second time then I couldn't get anything to work...
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:39 am
by Grendel wrote:Christmas Light Display Shut Down
So much chaos has been caused over a huge local Christmas display, that it's creator had to shut it down.
Carson Williams put up the elaborate light display at his Mason home and choreographed it all to music. But so many people have been flocking to see it that it's caused a traffic jam in his subdivision. Williams tells FOX19 that there was a car accident in the subdivision Tuesday and the police couldn't get to the scene because of the congestion.
So he's decided to shut it down indefinitely.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:13 pm
by fyrephlie
that's too bad... he put a lot of work into that. seems a shame that the lookey loos couldnt just play nice!
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:19 pm
by Mobius
LOL - this even made it onto New Zealand National Prime Time TV News! HEH.
Ferno - we only invent stuff that's crazy-ass dangerous. Like Aeroplanes, Jetboats, and afforementioend Bungy and Fly-By-Wire.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:33 pm
by DCrazy
Mobius, please stop claiming that a New Zealander invented the airplane.
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:26 am
by Repo Man
Here's the TV news story on the shutdown of his Christmas display. It also contains a look behind the scenes.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:34 pm
by Nirvana
TigerRaptorFX wrote:Thereâ??s no way that can be an editing job. Any one who says other wise, prove it.
You do realize that gollum wasn't real, right?
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:04 pm
by Hattrick
Nirvana wrote:TigerRaptorFX wrote:Thereâ??s no way that can be an editing job. Any one who says other wise, prove it.
You do realize that gollum wasn't real, right?
say what??
next thing you'll be saying is Santa isn't real!