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Forum Guidelines - PLEASE READ!

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:39 pm
by KoolBear
After reading a post at High Octane I thought it would be a good idea clarify my position as to the DBB and High Octane.

We have an opportunity to work with a game developer, not brow beat them but actually provide input/feedback. Now this, in no way means that our input or feedback will or can be used. Just to have a development team willing to spend time with us sure says a lot for the Descent community.

We as a community are at a crossroad, the last time we found ourselves in a similar position we chose to be negative and condescending in our attitudes. I’d like each of you to remember before you post that these guys have spent two years working on a project and the vision they have will not fully align with yours. BUT with constructive input any thing is possible.

So before you start to reply to a thread or start a new one in this forum there’s a few things you need to do …
1) Be courteous
2) Make sure you aren’t re-asking a question, yes that means use the search feature!
3) Word your question as clearly as possible. Use a descriptive title on New Threads!
4) KEEP threads on target, off topic posts or abusive topics will be DELETED! With out any notice or fan fare. If you don’t like it then don’t post a silly question or response.
5) If you can’t find a nice way to say something to the development team then do your self and them a favor DON’T POST IT!


I wanted to quote Mr. Zachary Briggs …
Don't think we loved Descent as much as you? …snippage.. Because I have vertigo on the brain. I long for the dizzying tunnels and the mind warping dogfights.

If this isn’t a statement from a Descent addict I don’t know what is. Here’s our chance lets not ruin it!

Remember moderation in this forum WILL BE STRICT. Let’s build this relationship and not tear it down!
