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Cross Platform Multiplayer issue

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:49 am
by daverup
The following errors occur on my Mac OSX 10.4.4 box running d2x-xl 1.5.86 when attempting to join a multiplayer game hosted on a Windows box running d2x-xl 1.5.86. This windows game can be joined by another windows box on the same local network without errors.
All machines have an identical d2x-xl directory with exactly the same data files.

On the mac,
Multiplayer menu selected,
Join UPD/IP Netgame selected.
Error message: (partially readable)
CGIFCONF) Failure during broadcast detection
Entered IP of host windows box, default port
1. Game_to_join ....... Forming

Windows host box shows a #2 box with a red \"X\" but without a name.
Attempt to start net game on host anyway

On Mac
Error message:
Your level file does not match the other players. Cannot join game.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:19 am
by simX
Hm, so it seems you were able to successfully see a hosted game, and at least attempt to join it even though you were unable to start playing? That's farther than I've gotten.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:21 am
by Diedel
This looks like the data the Mac sends doesn't have the exact same format as on the Windows machine (data alignment could be the reason, or endian stuff).

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:22 am
by Diedel
This looks like the data the Mac sends doesn't have the exact same format as on the Windows machine (data alignment could be the reason, or endian stuff).

A simple first check was to compare the data sizes on both machines using debuggers.