This whole conversation is ridiculous. I agree we have some issues that need to be addressed, but you guys won't allow time to address these issues. I think there's pet peeves that are played out here, and have begun working with some to resolve these issues, they will take time.
The problem with society in general today is a basic lack of respect of others, hell you don't have to respect a person but you should always respect the position they hold.
Gooberman mentioned that he would prefer having his ass jumped in public if he was with friends. That's all fine and dandy but it isn't the boys club members only here. The DBB has people here that don't know any of you from Joe Blow. So a little personal courtesy is indeed in order.
The chain of command was used not in the literal sense. People will always disagree, and those disagreements should be handled privately. If you can't work an issue out with a moderator then you need to contact an admin and get one of us involved, not to follow this simple proveedure shows a lack of respect to all of us.
The amount of theatrics here is staggering and uncalled for.
WA's thread was moved where it belonged, here in the DBB Feedback forum or is that out of line too?
Let me see ...
DBB Feedback Forum Description wrote:
For questions, special requests, or any complaints concerning the Descent BB. Please DON'T test your user logo and or signatures here.
When you have a new moderator it's in everyone’s best interest to work out issues with them, it's a lot easier for a man to back down in private than it is in public, allow a man an out or a way to save face and if he really is a man he'll take it every time. but corner him and provide no options then you best expect him to come out with fangs bearing ill intent!
Public display’s do very little to further ones cause, usually it'll just end up making them look the fool.
It's your choice really, the guidelines for PM'ing a moderator are there for a reason, to prevent flame wars that pull the innocent bystanders down.
So treat others the way you want them to treat you, respect others and they will respect you.
But getting mad and throwing a temper tantrum never solves a problem but only makes it worse.
Oh and there is no inner circle.