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nOOb with a question...
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:09 pm
by d3jake
Okay, it is about three wekks since I started playing multiplayer games and I have to say that I'm getting better. I espically like CTF since not everbody is shooting at me... So when I took the screeshot after a level self-ended (I'm guessing for score) I noticed something amiss:
I'm not sure If I'm getting better, or I was playing with a group of players that suck worse then me *wonders if that possible*
Not If I over stepped a line or two, set me straight (nicely) about the ways of D3 Multiplayer.
Sorry if the pic is too big ^^;
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:16 pm
by Cuda68
In CTF you cant judge by kills/death - its all about supporting your team and doing what it takes to insure a score. This includes fighting 3 pilots who are on the flag runners arse even though you will die without question - the goal is to stop/slow them down so your runner can score for the team effort.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:09 pm
by Duper
and if that means throwing your self in the way as a shield, then by all means!
good job, btw. When I posted on the PD forums, I failed to notice the actual SCORE!
Well done!
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:12 pm
by d3jake
Yeah, when I first started playing multiplayer CTF, my job (since I was a total nOOb) was to get in the way of whoever was trying to take down our flag carrier, or draw fire away from the good guys.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:33 pm
by Gooberman
One of my best CTF games was against BoTs, where I ended up with more flag captures then Kills.
Kills mean nothing in CTF, thats what Bah and Krom are for.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:58 pm
by Behemoth
And then there are people like me and zero who ger astoundingly high kill/death ratios PLUS flags

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:25 pm
by Zero!
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:38 am
not in those skippy tanks you guys fly
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:53 am
by Behemoth
You're tank isnt any less skippy, which must be why you die alot more right? =)
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:04 am
by WhollyCow
Gooberman wrote:One of my best CTF games was against BoTs, where I ended up with more flag captures then Kills.
Listen to the Goober. If a flag runner gets better than a 1:1 kill ratio, his team had better be a lot of points ahead.
Kills vs. points will always vary by the level you play and the number of players, though. I'm willing to bet the game Gooberman is talking about was in Polaris. One of
my best games was an hour-long game in Apparition (3 on 3, against team X-- anyone here remember that game?) The final score was all of 3-2...
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:22 am
by Hattrick
Behemoth wrote:And then there are people like me and zero who ger astoundingly high kill/death ratios PLUS flags

That would be me!
I think Z has the market cornered on skippy tanks tho
and Jake, in CTF it's all about the flag, that pretty soft flag, must touch it, must bring it home.....errr sorry,
as what others have said, your kill/death ratio should be of no concern when your job is to grab the flag and run like hades!
Looks like you had a great game!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:03 am
by WarAdvocat
Any flagrunner in a serious game who moves the nose of his ship off of a least time path to and from the flag isn't doing his job, IMO. This of course, assumes his teammates are doing their jobs.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:25 am
by Behemoth
WhollyCow wrote:Gooberman wrote:One of my best CTF games was against BoTs, where I ended up with more flag captures then Kills.
Listen to the Goober. If a flag runner gets better than a 1:1 kill ratio, his team had better be a lot of points ahead.
Kills vs. points will always vary by the level you play and the number of players, though. I'm willing to bet the game Gooberman is talking about was in Polaris. One of
my best games was an hour-long game in Apparition (3 on 3, against team X-- anyone here remember that game?) The final score was all of 3-2...
I played in a 2 hour game of halcyon 5-5 yesterday ;
Rank Team Name Score Kills Deaths Suicides Time In Game
1) Blue behemoth 7[9] 254[270] 62[67] 0[0] 2:10:47 hours
2) Red Schmoopy 7[7] 22[22] 10[10] 1[1] 16:11 minutes
3) Red sidekicker 5[5] 40[40] 39[39] 0[0] 47:21 minutes
4) Blue CptBrocoli 2[2] 22[22] 24[24] 2[2] 25:18 minutes
5) Blue Barracuda 1[5] 46[129] 112[187] 1[7] 4:00:37 hours
6) Red Cloud 1[1] 18[18] 10[10] 1[1] 9:18 minutes
7) Blue Turk Tarpit 0[0] 15[15] 23[23] 0[0] 19:06 minutes

Red Sonic the hedgehog 0[0] 1[1] 9[9] 0[0] 8:02 minutes
9) Red *[SQN]COOL2_V 4[4] 17[17] 24[24] 1[1] 20:37 minutes
10) Red *Hitokiri 3[3] 36[36] 31[31] 4[4] 38:42 minutes
11) Red *Taos 3[3] 13[13] 40[40] 3[3] 31:48 minutes
12) Blue *spawner 2[2] 5[5] 13[13] 4[4] 37:02 minutes
13) Blue *Sleeper 1[1] 5[5] 24[24] 0[0] 21:55 minutes
14) Red *TearsOfDarkness 1[1] 41[41] 47[47] 0[0] 31:07 minutes
15) Red *DeN bIn 0[18] 0[38] 0[19] 0[6] 30:32 minutes
16) Blue *Gunslinger 0[1] 0[9] 0[7] 0[1] 11:34 minutes
17) Red *Little-Fischlein 0[3] 0[14] 0[81] 0[3] 1:17:39 hours
18) Red *Warhammer 0[2] 0[13] 0[25] 0[5] 22:40 minutes
19) Blue *Pusher Robot 0[0] 0[24] 0[24] 0[0] 19:37 minutes
20) Red *Jigsaw 0[32] 0[106] 0[80] 0[8] 1:16:36 hours
21) Red *Guachon 0[3] 0[16] 0[44] 0[2] 49:43 minutes
22) Red *BuCCanEr 0[7] 0[18] 0[10] 0[3] 16:20 minutes
23) Blue *DIIIA-Wormaus 0[0] 0[23] 0[10] 0[0] 21:31 minutes
24) Blue *PSI 0[4] 0[58] 0[36] 0[4] 35:50 minutes
25) Red *GLENFIDDICH 0[4] 0[28] 0[26] 0[1] 22:19 minutes
26) Blue *carpangler 0[0] 0[15] 0[12] 0[0] 10:58 minutes
27) Red *Zeta 0[0] 1[2] 33[43] 0[0] 40:41 minutes
28) Red *trojaner 0[0] 6[14] 18[24] 4[6] 39:15 minutes
29) Blue *Sleeper 0[0] 3[3] 16[16] 1[1] 13:27 minutes
30) Red *Sonic 0[0] 4[4] 13[13] 0[0] 10:04 minutes
31) Blue *{CFS}d3jake 0[0] 0[0] 1[1] 0[0] 2:20 minutes
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:27 am
by Krom
The kill/death ratio only matters in CTF games if you are the defense, or covering for the offense, which are the pirmary roles I took when I was playing. I liked the support role the best, but it really boiled down to playing anarchy in the enemy base, keep as much of the other team busy as possible so our carriers would have an easy time of it.

This game is actually a pretty good example of how the scores should break down in a CTF game. The duration of that game was 40 minutes, the highest scoring players were both well under 50%, while the support players were over 50%.
Detailed scores
Or you can also have an example like this:

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:29 am
by Behemoth
Krom wrote:The kill/death ratio only matters in CTF games if you are the defense, or covering for the offense, which are the pirmary roles I took when I was playing. I liked the support role the best, but it really boiled down to playing anarchy in the enemy base, keep as much of the other team busy as possible so our carriers would have an easy time of it.
That role can lead to scores like these (I Really Suck^2):
Or these (gowingnut):

Agreed, there is supposed to be an equal amount of offense/defense my role is both depending on the situation, which is why i dont play seriously unless teams are of even amount of players.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:47 am
by Krom
Bleh, I hate when people quote posts right before I edit them.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:48 pm
by Behemoth
Heh, sorry you just understood the point i was talking about.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:11 pm
by Grendel
Any newbie should read the
D3 CTF Strategy Guide on PD. Some oldies should too ..

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:33 pm
by Top Gun
I remember first reading that guide over 5 years ago. Having never played D3 online before that, I was amazed at just how complex CTF would get. It's definitely my favorite D3 mode of play for that reason (unfortunately, I haven't played enough good Entropy matches to factor that in). On a side note, thanks for reminding me of that guide, Grendel; TechPro and I are working on a D3 guides project for PD, and there are a few sections of the site I'd long since forgotten about that could come in handy.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:04 pm
by Behemoth
Top Gun wrote:I remember first reading that guide over 5 years ago. Having never played D3 online before that, I was amazed at just how complex CTF would get. It's definitely my favorite D3 mode of play for that reason (unfortunately, I haven't played enough good Entropy matches to factor that in). On a side note, thanks for reminding me of that guide, Grendel; TechPro and I are working on a D3 guides project for PD, and there are a few sections of the site I'd long since forgotten about that could come in handy.
Yeah, i actually learned alot from mobius's help area.. thanks pal ;P
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:57 pm
by d3jake
I did read that guide bofre I even started to play online. I imagined it being a nice ordered:
"NOw that I have the flag, you two defend me"
"Yes boss." And they would go do their thing.
But Iistead it's more along the lines of, get the flag if you can, die trying if you have to, defend the base id there's nobody in it (except for 3-3 and more).
THe big thing is since you don't have voice (on average) you just have to do your thing without being told.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:08 am
Behemoth wrote:You're tank isnt any less skippy....
Only on your end, I rest my case!
Back to the topic
CTF is fun, too bad all the noobz that play have no clue...... example
~ bumping into and or c0ckblocking the flagrunner because they are only interested in powerups not the game getting themselves and the flagrunner killed.
~ even better all teh noobz are on defense shooting you in teh aft while you do all the work killing the offensive group and get the kills and they steal your kills spew then flare you like they got the kill... WTF
~~ I could go on and on but it's easier if the Server_Ops just enable team damage so I can kill the offenders
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:25 pm
by Behemoth
[quote="BUBBALOU"Only on your end, I rest my case!
Actually i dont skip to any good players, and if i was skippy i would be an easier target seeings how i barely move.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:32 pm
by d3jake
Grr. stupid pilots... I have a question about CTF gameplay... I was playing Halcyon and I had the flag in our base And I was doing fine untill and Red guy came in trying to kill me (no suprise) being chased by one of my teammates, (now if I remember correctly) I killed the Red guy and what does the Blue guy do? He grabs the Spew! I'm thinking that you're suposed to leave that for the flag bearer but that might make too much sense... And this happened a few times mind you.
So am I going on about nothing or did he\\she\\whoever really screw up?
And anpother thing referring to what BUBBALOU said, I had the flag multiple times (same level) I was screaming into the tunnels that lead to our base when what do I see in my way? ...Yup, you guessed it! One of my teammates was in the way!

Needless to say it ticked me off more that I can say. To make it worse the person wasn't even going for any spew...
My apologes if I'm in the worng (which I doubt).
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:04 pm
by Behemoth
d3jake wrote:Grr. stupid pilots... I have a question about CTF gameplay... I was playing Halcyon and I had the flag in our base And I was doing fine untill and Red guy came in trying to kill me (no suprise) being chased by one of my teammates, (now if I remember correctly) I killed the Red guy and what does the Blue guy do? He grabs the Spew! I'm thinking that you're suposed to leave that for the flag bearer but that might make too much sense... And this happened a few times mind you.
So am I going on about nothing or did he\\she\\whoever really screw up?
And anpother thing referring to what BUBBALOU said, I had the flag multiple times (same level) I was screaming into the tunnels that lead to our base when what do I see in my way? ...Yup, you guessed it! One of my teammates was in the way!

Needless to say it ticked me off more that I can say. To make it worse the person wasn't even going for any spew...
My apologes if I'm in the worng (which I doubt).
Just remember what you said yesterday, in actual gameplay you have to think alot quicker,
you're teammate might have got the other guys shields down to nearly 0 when you polished him off, thereby HIS kill.
Also in ctf if the other guy is the one hunting down the opponent holding you're flag he needs the shields more then you, you can simply suicide and regrab the flag if you are the flag catcher for the team.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:10 pm
by Krom
And that is why teams formed and the D3TL existed in the first place, people wanted to play games but without all the armatures getting in the way.
Just FYI, I've been known to MD my own \"team mates\" out of my way plenty of times, throw my own teams flag carriers to the wolves when it was to my advantage, ignored people on my team in need of assistance, stolen everyone's spew when it suited me, totally played anarchy wherever and whenever I wanted and only picked up the enemy teams flag as bait because it got me more attention and more kills. Even in official D3TL matches.
Generally if you think of that guide as the CTF rule book I have broken every rule in it and then some countless times.
So don't get offended at people getting in your way, remember that it is just a game and people are free to play it any way they want to play.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:36 pm
by Kilarin
d3jake wrote:Yup, you guessed it! One of my teammates was in the way!
he should have left you the shield. BUT, don't get to uptight about people being in your way. It's darn hard to keep track of where everyone is, your zipping down a corridor, suddenly you realize that the flag bearer is bearing down on you. Whether or not you can dodge depends on how skilled you are, not necessarily on how cooperative you are trying to be.
Krom wrote:it is just a game and people are free to play it any way they want to play.
If you want to play anarchy, why not play anarchy instead of CTF? If some guys are playing basketball in the back yard and you join and start playing dodgeball, they wouldn't be unreasonable asking you to straighten up or play somewhere else. IMHO anyway.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:00 pm
by Behemoth
Not to be rude kil, but did you see those stat files he posted? in both he helped his \"CTF\" team at that point in time by scoring 5 of 25 flags on one, and 13 of 25 on the other.
He was reffering to himself as being a valuable player in a team just like on my stat i had 7 of 20 flags PLUS defense and offense softening.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:28 pm
by d3jake
Okay, you guys have helped me out, thanks. I now know that I'm not terrible at CTF (at least that time) and that not everyone can see and know ehr everyone is at any one time. Which is completely understandable.
SO I'm guessing I can only really complain when I mess up instead of when other people do, due to the fact that it's a battle and all.
BTW, are there ant other clues that you're play ammidst nOObs? I think I kow a few but I 'm not sure...
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:22 pm
by Kilarin
Behemoth wrote:did you see those stat files he posted? in both he helped his "CTF" team at that point in time by scoring 5 of 25 flags on one, and 13 of 25 on the other.
I wasn't questioning his skill, (I obviously don't have the right to do THAT to ANYBODY!)

Or how that particular game went. I was refering specifically to this:
Krom wrote:throw my own teams flag carriers to the wolves when it was to my advantage, ignored people on my team in need of assistance, stolen everyone's spew when it suited me, totally played anarchy wherever and whenever I wanted and only picked up the enemy teams flag as bait because it got me more attention and more kills.
Which SOUNDS like he's saying that its ok to jump into a CTF game and just play anarchy. I don't see the point in that.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:07 pm
by Krom
I can easily see your point, if I want to play anarchy I should play it in an anarchy game. If I want to play team anarchy I should play in a team anarchy game. Why play anarchy in a CTF game if it disrupts everyone else's game?
Getting the same feeling as playing anarchy as hard as you can camping in the enemy base while holding their flag from any other game mode is impossible. It is something that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from playing in any normal anarchy or team anarchy game. You will have an entire enraged four or five man team trying their best to kill you and only you. People on your own team only serve as minor distractions and the players after you will ignore them. In halcyon the intensity is as good as it gets.
You won't last 10 seconds unless you can equal the power of four or five other players at once. You can't rest for even one second because they respawn all around you and come running with concussion missiles and whatever else is scattered around the base immediately. Even the slightest mistake will cost you tremendously. And you won't run away because nothing else in Descent can give you a bigger rush then holding your own alone against a five man team for even one or two minutes.
And then, there is the crowning achievement, the moment when you are carrying the other teams flag, while chasing the majority of it members about the level as in desperation they futilely try to flee from you. The only time I ever want audio taunts of my own, I would make all slots the same: <insert 1950s B-Movie evil maniacal laughter here>. Even if it is 100% luck.
That is why you can catch me playing anarchy in a CTF game sometimes.